Friday, July 25, 2008

Let's compare...

For those of you who like to compare siblings, I submit the following:

My children, at 3 1/2 months of age.

First, comes Andrew, in March of 2004. Chunky monkey. Notice the baskets of organized educational and stimulating toys in the background of the second photo. Notice later on that the subsequent children have no such stimulus and are in fact in bouncers or bumpo seats. Lucky 1st child.

Next, Lily in January of 2007. Seriously, it looks as if we adopted from an Asian country. And could her cheeks be ANY ROUNDER?

And, finally, Michael. Earlier this month. Definitely my skinniest kid.

I don't know...I just think they all look so different. Could just be the size difference (and the cheeks, by God, Lily, the CHEEKS). All stinkin' cute, though. It's too bad we're done having kids...


Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh - they are all SO adorable. Just the absolute cutest! I just wanna grab them all up and gnaw on them.

I applaud your motivation on the weight loss. You'll do it, I have no doubt. Just give yourself some time and stay with it.

Erin said...

This is awesome. I just came from Kelsey's and she posted comparison shots too. I AM IN HEAVEN.

Yes, your kids look very different from each other. I love that they all have different hair dos. Is Michael's hair CURLY? It looks so curly.

And Lily just might be the happiest child I've ever seen in those photos. They are all adorable.

Unknown said...

Lily and Andrew look nothing alike-and Michael looks different, too, but more like Andrew if I had to choose! Adorable!