Monday, July 21, 2008

A year ago...a year from now

Hmmm, a great blog I read inspired me to do this little exercise. I am finding it fun to just think about, so I thought I'd actually write it down.

A year ago I had a 3 1/2 year old and an 9 month old. I had just weaned Lily the month before, so I was enjoying drinking summery alcoholic beverages and letting other people feed her bottles. I had just gotten back from my first trip to NYC ever! I was either not pregnant or just not aware of it yet...certainly a 3rd child was the furthest thing from my mind. Heavens, Lily had JUST started crawling! She looked like this. Never in a million years would I have imagined she would be the middle child soon! I was starting to focus on losing a little bit of myself...specifically the fatty parts in the middle and rear.

A year from now I will have a 5 1/2 year old about to start kindergarten (yikes), a 2 1/2 year old maybe potty trained? (aren't girls supposed to be quicker?), and a 15 month old maybe walking (this is my child we're talking about). And that's ALL the children we will have. I am determined! Jeff and I will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary. I swear we're going to do something fun. ;) We will have lived in one place for almost 3 years!!! Almost. Maybe we'll have bought curtains by then. Half of Jeff's plant will shut down July 1st, 2009, so perhaps Jeff will be in a new job. Maybe we won't be living here after all. Maybe I will have permanently lost part of know, the part in the middle and the rear.

There, now wasn't that fun? You try.


Swistle said...

So fun! It's so crazy to think that baby wasn't even STARTED yet!

Kelsey said...


You have definitely had many years in which things happened rapid-fire for you. I can't believe you and Jeff have already been married for (nearly) nine years!