Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The blogs that will never be...

We're still in Ohio. And I'm WAY behind on keeping a log of our travels. But I have been inspired almost every day. I'll never catch up. I'm way to lazy. So here's a list of the blog entries that will never happen, but I was inspired to write.

Lily's Halo, Sunday June 9 A synopsis of Lillian's baptism. She was baptized at the same church, by the same pastor as Andrew 3 years ago. Both kids were ANGELS. Lily looked darling in her Aunt Sara's baptismal gown.

Old MacDonald had a LSD Flashback, Monday June 10 A very funny entry about the strangest farm you could ever visit. It's like experiencing a drug high (or so I would think). You are riding on a wagon driven by a young man with a German-esque accent, when random animals come up to eat. Wait! Is that a pig...oh! And now a majestic elk! Huh? Is that a zebra chasing a bison? Is it just me, or are there 1 million fallow deer wandering around? A kangaroo? Really? Where the heck am I?

Cousins, Wednesday June 13 A post about hanging out with Colin and Kate. Lily was charming...as per usual. Andrew was hard to please...as per usual. Colin was a DOLLBABY. God, he is growing fast. The boys got along great. Downer for the day? Andrew was rude as HECK to his Uncle Greg. And Mom here dropped the ball for disciplining him. Sorry Uncle Greg. Since you usually only see Andrew about once a year, I hate that this is your impression of him. Luckily, we'll see you again in August...I'll try to have him better rested and less...well, less 3. ;)

The Secret, Thursday June 14 Andrew has been keeping a very big secret from his dad...Jeff's 30th birthday surprise. Today Grandma tried to let Andrew in on another secret...and Andrew responded, "I only have room for one secret." Poor burdened kid. He shouldn't be so nosy when I'm shopping, then.

Harper, Kelsey, and Killer, Friday June 15 I wish I had more time to write a proper entry about our visit with friends in Dayton. Some of you may know them from this blog. I had high hopes for the meeting of Harper and Andrew...both prolific talkers. But Andrew was cranky, and their dog Rebound a bit too friendly. It was still a wonderful time in their beautiful home (how do people with kids keep houses so clean?). Harper is an amazing child...so sweet and funny and smart as a whip (boy, talk about a saying from the 1800s). Was Andrew ever that sweet? My highlight was when Harper watched Andrew go potty and exclaimed, "Andrew has a tail!" Andrew emphatically responded, "I DO NOT." Might be time for an anatomy lesson ;) Andrew and Harper had a BLAST for the last 10 minutes we were there. Maybe next time...? But by then Harper will be 3...

Visiting Great-Grandma and a wedding, Saturday June 16 A long post about our busy day Saturday. Jeff was in the wedding of a college friend Saturday, so while he was getting all gussied up, I took the kids to my grandma's house in Dayton. Lily was an ANGEL and Andrew was pretty good also. Mom and Dad took the kids because we were told that children were not allowed at the wedding/reception...yea! A night to ourselves. I got gussied up as well as I could, and went to the beautiful service. Jeff is getting WAY hotter than me...motivating me to lose some weight. Hung out with old friends and a new one in between wedding and reception. Forgot about losing weight as I wolfed down wedding cake at a reception that included about 25 children Andrew and Lily's age. Hmmmm. After wedding went back to hotel, and edited due to content.

Father's Day, Sunday June 17 A mushy post about my Daddy and the father of my children. Ironically, Jeff did not even see his children this day because he was driving back to Philly all by his lonesome.

Secret Revealed, Monday June 18 Jeff's birthday is Friday, and finally his birthday secret is out! He has a weeklong scavenger hunt to remind him of his family that loves him...so he doesn't have a mid-life crisis while I'm gone. I don't want to come back Saturday to find a blond bimbo cooking dinner. ;) I hear that scavenger hunts help with infidelity...so... I told Andrew he could finally talk to his dad about it...no reaction. Oh well. Andrew also told me this morning that he told Garcia to go away because he was bad. Then when I was helping Andrew clean up a spilled bowl of candy, Andrew said, "Garcia came back." Damn Garcia.

Phew! That's the last week or so. We'll see if I can get on here more regularly.


Unknown said...

Hey Giselle...you don't know me, but we have a mutual friend. Katheryne Waters is my best and oldest friend in the world. We are 3 days apart in age. Anyway, she gave me your name because we are going to possibly be moving to Philly maybe in Dec? We were going to move this summer, but asked for an extension when we found out where we were going...just because we are not real excited about the move. My husband is an FBI agent, so we are told that we have to move. The only reason we are allowed the possibe extension is because we're
having our third child in Oct. Anyway, just wanted to make contact with you, since we know NO ONE up there. Where do you all actually live? We are looking at New Jersey and Delaware. The main thing is to find good schools, because we can't afford private, and I am certainly not organized enough to home school. I guess any school has to be better than the currently ranked "50th" in the nation state of Mississippi where we live. We are actually in a very good school here, but lucked out. So, if you get a chance to respond...Id love to hear from you when you get time. My email is mfpack@gmail.com. Thanks so much...Martha Pack.

Erin said...

Yo G. Thanks for the update. I like the "posts that would have been," because I get that feeling all the time. Yet I sit to write a post and it turns out to be something totally different and much less fun or informative than I orginally intended. Maybe I should just stick to writing about the posts I thought I would write but didn't? Good idea.

I heard from Kels about Andrew & Harper's get-together. She said that Lily is even more adorable in person, which cannot possibly be true. Also, the tail comment is hilarious.