Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Some thoughts..

Day 3 of the less tv schedule. It's going awesome! I feel really bad for being such a slacker mom. Of course, the kids don't care at all about less long as mom can play with them! Uh, what? I think the plugged in type of mother was much more educational. Surely you learn more from Super Why than from playing "Neighbor" for 2 hours straight.

I read a few other blogs of women who have babies right around Michael's age. I was getting a little concerned because all of their babies are rolling over...a lot. Michael isn't even close. Not. Even. Close. When I expressed this to Jeff, he said, "Have you met Lily and Andrew? Why are you surprised?" Oh yea.

Lily, Michael, and I had a lovely morning filled with grocery shopping and gym class. Just once this week I thought about what it would be like if Andrew were in school and I just had Lily. (no feedings or naps to schedule in, no stroller jockeying, etc). And then Michael squealed and smiled and I instantly couldn't imagine it anymore. That life just couldn't have happened.

Speaking of Mikey, he is just the most pleasant kid. Jeff and I were remarking about it just this morning. With Lily and Andrew, I always felt bad that Jeff left for work so early, because he missed out on the babies' best moods. By the time he got home around dinner they were fussy and grouchy and no fun. But with Michael, he's kind of always in a good mood. Honestly my only two complains are a) He doesn't take naps in his crib and b) He has rocket-launched poops. If I have to give up naps during the day in order to get this little piece of sunshine...okay! Sounds like I got a good deal in this one.

How is it possible that Andrew won't go to school full time until fall of 2010? Part of me is glad he gets to be a kid for as long as possible...the other part of me feels bad for him because he enjoys school so much. I pick him up and he says, "School was perfect!" I drop him off and he runs off to join his class. I'm so jealous. ;)

I go to my first meeting of a book club tonight! This group of ladies started in April (uh, bad timing for me). I'm finally able to go because Michael actually sleeps at night now. I don't know anyone in the group very well...I actually have only met 2 of the ladies before. We'll see how it goes. It seems like women come in two varieties...always willing to meet new people and make new friends or happy with the friends they already have so leave me the heck alone new person! Hopefully this group will have a fair amount of the former.

Speaking of unfriendly people...there is a mother in Lily's gym class who is just downright rude. Or else she is hearing impaired. But I'm pretty sure she's just rude. And I must be getting older, because my mouth's filter is getting dangerously close not working. As the kids were running around at the beginning of class, I smiled and said hello as we passed each other. She literally glared at me. I almost, *almost* said, "Wow, you're friendly." A few more years and those comments will just fly from me. There aren't too many things I look forward to about getting old...but oh to be about 80. You can say whatever the hell you want and people just smile, chuckle, and say, "Oh, you old fart. You survived this long you can say anything."

Oh, and another mother has a totally cute little girl named Bella who is just a few weeks older than Lily. We were talking and she mentioned how Bella was her surprise baby...her other kids are 15 and 13. Wow! At least when my surprise came I was already in baby mode. And of course she is just in love with her little surprise. There's something about these kiddos you don't expect...

Enough boring rambling! Michael is screaming in his crib, "I! Won't! Nap! Alone!" and I suppose I should go save him. Booger. He'll be asleep in my arms, that is.


Emily said...

I think you may have addressed the rolling thing right here in this very post. This is something I've observed: very contented babies reach milestones later. Katy's "friend" her age would amaze me by being completely content to sit and play with the same two toys for 30 minutes - which is why she didn't crawl until 12 months or walk until 16 months. She was perfectly happy wherever she was - why go elsewhere? Katy, on the other hand, was miserable in her skin from day one - always wanted to be wherever she wasn't - and she walked at 10 months. So what I'm saying is, I think Michael sounds like a delightful baby who's happy to be where he is. So he'll get around to rolling, etc., when he feels like it. And you're right, that happy temperament is worth his weight in gold. (But I hope he learns to nap so you can have a break from his pretty smile)

Michelle said...

Michael is Jeff and your baby. Do you really think that with those genes you have to worry? Knowing that, he will probably skip rolling over and go straight to sitting up and walking! Love to hear about my family! Keep it coming!

Kelsey said...

Our Michael hasn't rolled from his back to his stomach yet. He moves his legs constantly, but hasn't figured out how to use them to get anywhere. . .

How was book club? What did you read and what are you reading next? I LOVE book club! (Although my book club is 80% shooting the breeze, drinking,and eating, and maybe 20% book talk, so maybe we should call it something else.)