Thursday, February 04, 2010

And another one down, another one down...

...Another one bites the dust!

Andrew was the last hold out...and he now has the barf-sies. So after this, we should be DONE for a while. He was up every hour on the hour from 11 pm till 2 am, throwing up in his bed. Like on his pillow. I've never heard of someone who just lies there and throws up on themselves...4 times in a row. Never even tried to lift his head, poor guy. But it is preferable to the steps, I suppose. We are out of pillows...all in the wash.

By the way, in searching for that post on throw up, I used the blogger dashboard search tool, which I just discovered. I KNOW! I've been doing this for 5 years now, and just noticed that giant search thingy. Some employer is going to be so lucky to have me in a few years. Anyhoo, when I typed in "throw up", 76 entries popped up. Wow. What a wonderful blog you tune in to read. 76 entries on throw up. Genius.

Okay, so you can tell I'm feeling more normal. My tooth pain is really getting better. The throbbing head ache is mostly gone, although I still can't eat on that side without a sharp shooting pain. Small victories. My tummy is still queasy, and I just feel like sleeping. Which obviously isn't going to happen. But I keep reminding myself that this is just what I felt like for the first 4-5 months of pregnancy, and I managed to do SUCK IT UP. It also reminded me why I really really really am done having children. I Cannot. Do. This. For 5 Months. Ever. Again.

And here's a random story I've been meaning to post on here, just for shits and giggles.

I gave my children very boring, very common names for a reason. As much as I love my unique name, there are many pitfalls. Many. And I just cringe when I hear of parents giving their kids a made-up name, because it brings me back. Now that I am 32, I am sufficiently removed from society that I forget about many of these things. I am either "Mrs. S..." or "Hey, Andrew's mom?" or just talked to by my friends, who thankfully have learned how to correctly pronounce my name.

But I went to Starbucks with a few friends a while back (Before Tooth Pain), because our book club had been cancelled, but we were going out anyway, Dammit. And it was quite crowded, so when they took your drink order, they asked for your name to write on the cup. So she asked, and I told her "Giselle". She nodded and smiled and wrote on the cup, and I thought, "Wow. People are really getting used to unusual names. She didn't even ask me 3 times how to spell it." And then I sat down at the table with my friends and chatted and waited for my drink to come up.

The poor guy manning the drink-making station stands there holding out a cup and trying to speak like a person who's tongue has been cut out. I figure it must be my name, because this was a common occurrence. Sure enough, it is mine. With the name clearly written on the side:


Yes, yes that is really close. Did she really think that was a possible name? All this time I've thought that unusual names were HELPING my cause, but perhaps it is doing the opposite. This teenage girl thought that Shirrzllee was a totally credible name. It may be my new favorite mistake, thought. Before, being called Gazebo was. No, maybe when someone read my name as "Jerome". Gazelle is too normal an occurrence to be my favorite. Same with Janelle. Griselda was a good one.

Tomorrow...let's hope that no one is throwing up at this house (for the first time in over a week). And let's get this tooth drilled into oblivion so I can finally eat on both sides of my mouth! Yippee!


Beth-from-high-school said...

My daughter Melanie has often had her name misspelled as Melony. Yes, that looks like a good name!

Good luck at the dentist!

Mom said...

Just say, "Gigi".

Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting all that throw-up out of the way before I come to visit next week!

Grandma said...

Not trying to be mysterious with the last post. I forgot to type in Grandma before I sent it.(That's really who is coming. . . and I can't wait!)

nicole said...

So sorry on the barf. I hate that. And I would probably be buying at least one new pillow, if not more.

I did not realize Giselle was all that uncommon. It seems that now that Tom Brady married a woman with that name, more people would be familiar with it. Or maybe I am a sports nerd with no hope.

Devan said...

ugh. throw up!

Kate said...

This blog has documented 2 pregnancies, so I would day a good 90 days would probably mention puke.

CARRIE said...

How in the HELL did I miss that vomit on the steps post???? I guess it was because I was sickly from being preggo with M????

Gazebo? Seriously?