Tuesday, February 28, 2012


--We went to our favorite historical working farm this weekend to experience their maple sugaring.  It was typical of our family outings.   Andrew LOVED it...from collecting sap from the trees to asking loads of questions to eating the bottle of syrup they made enthusiastically the next day.  Michael got nothing out of the maple sugaring experience, but he enjoyed harassing the chickens and running through the open fields and picking up rocks.  Lily moaned and dragged her feet and was generally miserable.  You know, par for the course.

--We also went to another family swim at our gym.  Every weekend night the pool is open from 4-10pm.  We try to go a few times a month.  This time our friends joined us (they just joined as well).  Lily was happily entranced in her game of mermaids with her friend Maddie for 90 minutes.  Just so you know we don't just torture her for our own pleasure.  We do try to plan activities that she will enjoy as well.

-- Michael is obsessed with this Zombie vs. Plants game on my Kindle.  He is amazing at it, and even when we make him turn it off, he keeps playing.  Which is a little awkward at playgrounds, when he approaches other 3 year olds and asks them if they want to play zombies.  I get many disapproving glances at that one...and rightfully so.  It is a fantastic motivator for Mikey, though.  He is playing right now...and he earned it by cleaning up all the toys on the floor.  Fantastic.

-- I picked up some forms from the pediatrician for Lily's kindergarten registration on March 6.   I was getting all sappy and emotional about signing her up...how can my baby girl be going already.  Pragmatic Jeff pointed out that next year at this time I'll really be a basketcase.  OMG...next March I'll be signing MICHAEL up for kindergarten.  Crap.  Midlife crisis is coming fast.  Helpful, Jeff.

-- We are happily settled into our town now that Jeff has his new job and he is enjoying it.  And we find out that 2 of our across the street neighbors have decided to move.  If any more put their houses on the market, I'm going to start to get a complex.  What, we decide to stay, so you suddenly think you need a smaller house, a house closer to your job, DEAR GOD ANY HOUSE AWAY FROM THOSE PEOPLE WHO TEACH THEIR 3 YEAR OLD ABOUT ZOMBIES!!!?


Heather said...

As long as Michael doesn't start wandering around saying "Braaaaaiiinnnnssss" I think you'll be fine! :-)

d e v a n said...

Oooh, making syrup sounds fun!

Andrea said...

Michael can come play with Joey - Zombie Pirate is his current favorite pretend game :)

CARRIE said...

Kindergarten cannot possibly be that close for Michael. CANNOT POSSIBLY!!!