Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Against All Odds

FACT: I suck at keeping secrets.

FACT: I am a control freak. Which is why moving is so hard for me...it is not in my control. Which is why waiting almost a year to get pregnant was so hard for me...again out of my control.

FACT: All 3 times I've been pregnant, it took 8 months of charting my temperature, supplementing all sorts of things you don't want to hear about, planned/unspontaneous/unromantic sex. All 3 times. It was WORK to get pregnant. Fun work, but work non-the-less.

FACT: Each time I got pregnant, my body gave me distinct signs that I was ovulating. Very distinct. I was convinced that I just ovulate every 8 months or so.

FACT: Jeff and I were feeling pretty secure in our "sub-fertility" as one doctor put it. I have been putting off getting on hormonal birth control (cause it makes me sick) and depending on less effective barrier methods. But who cares about "less-effective"? We're sub-fertile. Even 90% effectiveness should be good enough for us.

FACT: This is probably WAY too much information about my sex life for most of my readers.

FACT: They have probably left the computer to go barf in the toilet.

FACT: Which may be where I end up later this morning.

FACT: When Jeff and I talked about the spacing of our children...even before we had any...I pretty much couldn't imagine having them any closer than 3 years apart. After having Andrew, I could imagine 2 1/2 year apart. Not a month closer.

FACT: I regard people with kids 2 years or less apart as crazy. Sorry to all my friends who have kids with that spacing. But I've always regarded you as crazy. Gluttons for punishment. Mostly just crazy.

FACT: Jeff and I have not yet decided if we want a 3rd child or not. We have been leaning towards 2 because I get so sick during pregnancy, we live far from family, we want to travel, we have 2 really great kids, so why jinx it, etc etc etc.

FACT: I have had NO signs of ovulation since weaning Lily.

FACT: I have missed 2 periods.

FACT: I have taken 3 positive pregnancy tests.

FACT: I had an ultrasound yesterday that showed a beating heart somewhere in my uterus.

FACT: This baby is due in April...Lily will be a mere 18 months old. Andrew will be 4 1/2.

FACT: Against all odds, I am pregnant.

FACT: Jeff and I have spent the last month in disbelief. If I had a nickel for every time we've said, "How did this happen...to US?"...I'd be able to put this child through college. Well, let's be realistic. I'd at least be able to buy a college book for this child.

FACT: I am TERRIFIED. And NERVOUS. And feeling quite INADEQUATE and definitely TOO LAZY to have babies so close together. 18 months apart. OH DEAR GOD.

FACT: I am somewhere deep down below all these anxious feelings, really really curious and excited to meet this baby who has broken all our patterns and come here despite all our expectations. This kid is meant to be.


Kelsey said...

Yay!!!!!!! Giselle! Of course I kind of figured yesterday (why did you tease us like that?), but I am so happy for you guys. There is a family I used to babysit for and they were totally shocked by their last pregnancy, and that little one is the most amazing kid, nearly eight now, and they just have this beautiful, joyful family. You were clearly meant to have this child. I can't wait to hear more about it! Apparently this means you have to move? Good luck!!! Perhaps a phone call will be in order soon, I am so excited for you!!!

Erin said...

Yay! Yay! YAY!!!

I know you are nervous and overwhelmed, but for what it's worth I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU!! I can't quite explain why I'm so excited, but I am. Truly.

You are going to do fantastic as a Mom of three. This baby will probably be full of surprises right from the start. And think how much fuller your life will be because of that.

Andrea said...

so you think I'm crazy huh?
You're probably right!!! WElcome to the "oh my God where did this 3rd child come from" club :)
We'll have a fun ride together!

Rachel said...

So I randomly decided to check your blog today. I'm glad I did. I'm so happy for you even if you are freaked out. You are going to do a great job!!!

CARRIE said...


I am SOOOO excited for you!!!

Wish I was closer so I could give you a big ole hug!!

Laura said...


Can you hear me screaming over Carrie's screams?

Wow! Wow! Wow!

That is great news! Congratulations to all of you! The funny part is when this baby comes along, you'll think how easy you had it when you only had 2! Enjoy every minute along the way!


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I am so happy and excited for you!! And a little jealous too :). This is a true blessing - just remember that during your freaking out moments :)

Traci said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you. I am so jealous.

Heather said...

Congratulations! It will be some ride - but it will be joyous!!

Anonymous said...

I Lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve surprise pregnancies. LOVE! THEM! My fifth baby was a total surprise, and it gives me this feeling of "we didn't ask for you, and you came to us anyway--we are so lucky, because we came so close to missing out on you." So far, Henry has been special to me in a way the others weren't, because of that.