Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First day of school

The past few weeks...no months...Andrew has been telling me he hates school and doesn't want to go. The last few days I've been gently trying to get him used to the idea...and he has told me over and over that he is nervous and doesn't want to go. At orientation last week he cried. And told me he was nervous. And almost cried every time we talked about school.

So I was understandably dreading today. Not for myself. I am a relatively non-sentimental mother when it comes to school. Last year, at the first day of 2 year old pre-school, I showed up with Andrew. I did make sure he was in a clean t-shirt. My big prep for the first day of school. I show up, and it is like high school graduation. Or college drop-off weekend. Moms, Dads, Grandparents and all these 2,3,and 4 year olds dressed to the nines. Flash-bulbs blinding as if it was the red carpet at the Oscars. Talk about feeling inadequate. I hadn't even thought to take a picture of him at home...much less at school.

So this year, I was really good. I put a clean, MATCHING outfit on Andrew. Yes, even matching socks. I took a picture of him in front of our front door. Whew! I'm getting teary eyed just thinking of it. And I drove him to school not knowing what his reaction would be. All the weeks of tears! Anticipation!

They throw open the doors...and...

Andrew runs in, without looking behind him. No hugs for Mom. No goodbyes. Certainly no tears.

I went to pick him up 2 and a half hours later. Big smiles. Oh, how he loves school! Here's our conversation post school:

Andrew: School was great!
Giselle: That is so wonderful. Did you cry?
A: (in a disgusted tone) No. (if he were born in the 90s, he would have said, "As if")
G: Did anyone cry?
A: Just one girl.
G: Did you help make her feel better?
A: Nope. I was too busy playing. (ah....already a sensitive male)
G: Well, I'm proud of you. I know you were nervous, but you went to school anyway and had a good time.
A: I was never nervous. I love school.

-sigh- Gotta love this boy.


Anonymous said...

Alex loves school too- even Max is doing great at PDO. Can't wait to see you guys next month! -Sarah

Michelle said...

So happy to hear that Andrew did well! That is awesome! Obviously Jax DID NOT!