Wednesday, September 26, 2007

No Whining...except from me, that is

Pregnant women are forced to survive without wine for an entire 9 months. I think this wine exclusion should include the word "whine." I feel as though I should have exclusive rights to whining for the next several months at least. Selfish? That's right. Welcome to the "Giselle Selfish Bubble of Misery". I'll be residing here for at least the next several weeks.

So my children are full of whine. Especially Andrew. The child won't sleep. Combine that with the fact that I pay virtually no attention to him (see the "Giselle Selfish Bubble of Misery"). Combine that with the fact he's been eating a lot of CRAP since no one is cooking (see the "Giselle Selfish Bubble of Misery"). You get one grouchy, whiny kid. Seriously. Every word is a whine. And he's so daggone destructive. I can hardly get mad at him because I understand he is neglected and simply begging for attention. But I DO get mad at him, because I feel like crap and my nerves are stretched to their limit just from existing these last few weeks. And getting mad at him only makes him MORE grouchy and whiny. Aren't you starting to feel sorry for Jeff right about now?

And poor Lily. Yesterday I took her to get blood drawn while Andrew was at school. When Andrew turned one, he never had this done. So it was all new to me. And they went to draw blood out of her like a real grown-up...rubber band around her arm...trying to find a vein in the crook of her elbow. Amazing. But she has apparently inherited the slippery, sneaky veins that I have and I believe my mother and Memere also have. Lucky girl. So after digging around in her arm a bit, they decided to get 2 vials of blood from her finger. Seriously. Poor Lily was bathed in sweat and tears at the end of that ordeal. I was sooooooo angry. Why torture this poor little thing? And I didn't realize how bad it would be to have an open wound on her finger. Why couldn't they do it in her heel? Because it is dangerous to have a band aid on her finger (I can't find one...and will be looking for it in her diaper). But because she's crawling around on it, it breaks open and bleeds all over everything all the time. I finally put one of those tattoo band aids (that will only come off with the jaws of life). Lily was so upset to have something stuck to her finger, she just followed me around whining and holding her finger out to me, as if to say, "Mooooooom. This sucks! Take it off!" MORE WHINING.

Then there's my whining. Seriously, poor Jeff. To have to go through this a 3rd time is a testament to his love for me and the kids. Half the evenings, dinner makes me so sick, I crawl upstairs into bed to try and keep food down. Andrew is hyperactive and needy. Lily only wants me, so he's constantly fighting her to allow me some down time. Even the damn dog won't leave him alone...lying on his feet whenever he stops to stand still. Andrew got up in the middle of the night with wet pj's...Jeff had to finish the job, because my becoming vertical at 2 am was punished by throwing up stomach bile. He was trying to finish a project in the basement and I brought Lily down to visit. I coughed and immediately thrust the baby into his arms while I went upstairs and lost my lunch. The stories are endless. He's not allowed to kiss me. I don't even want hugs. I've totally retreated into the Giselle Bubble of Misery. So he's working his tail off with no paybacks.

But I would trade with him any day of the week.

I think.

Although I couldn't stand all the least I could ease the pain with some real WINE!


Anonymous said...

A LITTLE wine, maybe? It would dull the ear pain, and some OBs say it's okay to have a glass now and then. You could ask one OB after another until you found one who said yes.

Anonymous said...

The ear pain from the whining, I mean.

Anonymous said...

I'm still nursing so no wine for me either or I'd drink some for you.

I just heard today about the blood draw at the 12-month visit. A friend's pediatrician didn't even do it there, they sent with a lab slip to one of those lab clinic places. Not even a place that specializes in tiny babies. Are they for real? The thought of them doing that to my kid in 2 weeks sort of makes me want to puke.

Giselle said...

Swistle- Yea, I know you're supposed to be able to have a little...but I'd just throw it up immediately anyway. My body can't handle any liquid other than water right now. If milk comes right back up, I'm sure wine would too. And what a waste that would be.

Shelly- This wasn't in the ped's office either. At a grown-up's lab. And I get the feeling that they aren't very good with babies. I'm going to ask at Lily's doctor if they always take it from the arm. I'm a bit incredulous about that.

Andrea said...

FYI for the next blood draw - ask your pediatrician who they recommend for blood draws on babies or call around to different labs until you find someone that is good with the little ones!
Ryan's 12 mo blood draw was such a disaster that I still haven't taken him back for the lead test (he'll be 3 next week!) and I just got a nasty letter from the state requiring me to take him!!! Rachel needed umpteen billion blood draws in her first month of life and they sent us back to the NICU for the first couple but after that they just gave me a lab slip. I asked the nurse where she would take her baby and she gave me a great recommendation! The women was excellent and Rachel, and more importantly, I survived it!
Oh, 3rd pregnancies SUCK and that is a direct quote from my midwife!!!

Kelsey said...

Harper has had blood taken from her arm several times because they need lots for the allergy testing. She was 18 months the first time we did it and I had to practically lay across her, no I DID have to lay across her, on the table so they could get it all. What a nightmare. The last time we went she was so brave about it she broke my heart. We got to the Children's Urgent Care down the street from our house and it's still not a picnic. They did a 12 month one to check for lead, among other things, but I'm pretty sure that was a finger. I don't remember it being traumatic.

Kelsey said...

Oh and the wine. . . I know you don't truly want to try to drink some now, but it made me thing of these public service adds that are running in Ohio right now. The theme is NOT A SINGLE DROP and they are so hit you over the head it drives me crazy. They actually feature an ultrasound with the baby talking to his/her mother, begging her not to drink. Sigh. I know the trouble is that we don't know what amount is safe, I get that, but the not one drop thing seems intense.

Kate said...

Poor thing... just keep the bubble going. You totally suck at being pregnant. I can't even imagine regular obnoxious kid stuff all day and then barfy nastiness on top. If the kids make it through the next three months, you get a medal (and a lifetime supply of wine to wash it down after the delivery).