Monday, March 17, 2008

36 weeks

Some thoughts and observations as I begin my last month of being pregnant.

---The last time I was 36 weeks pregnant, I found out I was moving. Seriously. I did not feel this pregnant, but Jeff accepted the job offer in PA when I was 36 weeks along. We were out of KY 7 weeks later. And remind me why I'm nervous this time? At least I don't have to worry about finding new doctors, new friends, etc etc. Oh, and have I lately thanked my parents and in-laws lately for helping us during that time so that I didn't go into crazy land? If not, let me thank them...profusely...again.

--- I ordered some SUPER cute t-shirts for the 3 kids today at this uber-expensive children's boutique today. Andrew's has a cute little boy in a ball cap, "I'm the big brother." Lily's has a brown piggie-tailed girl, "I'm the middle." And Baby Trey has a onesie, "I'm the little brother." As I'm checking out, the woman working in the store looks at Lily and says, "I can't believe she already needs a big sister shirt. Poor little thing." I looked at her kind of shocked-like, thinking, "Um, I'm standing right here, lady. At least wait until I'm out of the store." Even though I think the same thing every Momma Bear instincts kicked right in. How DARE you feel sorry that I'm having another baby. He might be listening!

---I may have the best in-laws on the planet. Last year, they agreed to watch Lily and Andrew during spring break so Jeff and I could go on a cruise. Um, then we hit a little detour in August. Tee hee hee. Linda called a few weeks back asking if they could still take the kids for that week. Uh...HELL YEA! Excuse my French. So Jeff is packing the kiddos up on a plane this Friday, making the transfer at the airport in Ohio and then flying right back to his el-Preggo bride. Then...get MIL and FIL are DRIVING both kids back to PA...8 hours without stops, people, the following Thursday. Let's just count the days that I won't have children next week, shall we? Um, 6. Holy SMOKES. And, yes, I realize this means I won't get to spend Easter with them. But we'll celebrate it on Good Friday (yikes, talk about sacrilegious) and the kids won't know any better. Ah, try to top THAT with your own in-law stories. I dare you.

---My son may be watching too much daytime tv with me while Lily is napping. We have a new pretend game...which he made up all by himself. He and I take turns making each other over. Yes, that's right. Andrew colors my hair and "cuts" it, he takes a paintbrush and "paints" my face (poor kid doesn't know what make-up is, living with me). Um, we don't talk to Daddy about this new pretend game. Jeff may lock me out of all channels except for ESPN if he catches wind of this one.

---My Lily is LOVING the outdoors. Everything is so daggone exciting. We watched an ant for 2 minutes straight the other day. And she just motors around almost steady-like. But I have a question. Are toddler's wrists made of rubber? She falls ALL THE TIME...and if I were her, I would have broken my wrist a dozen times. She just bounces right back up. Amazing. Oh, and on a totally unrelated note, my new favorite word that she says is, "Nack" know, snack. She gets hungry and comes up and starts saying, "Nack. Nack." God love this language building stage.

Gotta go...I think Andrew wants to play treasure hunter. A perfectly acceptable pretend game for the time of night Jeff comes home. ;)


Anonymous said...

We are the lucky ones. To have our two beautiful grandchildren to ourselves for 6 days! Hope you can get rested up, Giselle.

Andrea said...

Your in laws ROCK!!!! Now I can't complain about mine, but that is seriously awesome! Enjoy your down time :)
Ryan loves to play hair and make up as well. Thankfully Rachel is his model now and not himself!
Oh, and RUDE! Don't worry - Lily will never remember a time with out her little brother and she will be fine!

Erin said...

Oh my goodness, I cannot BELIEVE that woman made that "poor thing" comment. WHATEVER. This little brother will be one of the greatest things you'll ever give Andrew & Lily. I feel so MAD at that woman!

Your in-laws take grand prize. No argument there.