Monday, March 31, 2008

They're Baaaaaack!

Well, they actually came back Thursday afternoon. But I haven't been able to pry Lily or Andrew off my legs since then, so updating Blogger took a back seat.

Lily and Andrew had a BLAST at Grandma and Grandpa's...but they were excited to see us. Well, they were excited to see Jeff. They were both a bit miffed at my hair cut, and looked at me suspiciously for a while as if I were a look-alike substitute Mommy. It was also a bit strange for them to come back and have their bedrooms looking so different. We even have Lily sleeping in the baby's room right now (the guest bed has been shoe-horned into Lily's arrangement I'm already not liking). Then we had the few adjustment days where Lily would scream going to bed, act weird, etc etc. Yesterday, she started eating like a horse again, sleeping like a dream, etc. And soon we'll just throw that off again. So is life.

I am glad they are back. I'm WAY too pregnant to properly enjoy them, but, Lord, my kids make me laugh. Here are some highlights:

---Lily now does the motions for Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Actually, she skips shoulders, and after one Head, knees, toes she immediately jumps to the "eyes, and ears," etc. But I am still singing the repetition of Head, shoulders, etc., so she just sits there with her fingers in her eyes. And she pushes them while she waits. And it makes her eyes water and hurt. And it makes me laugh so hard that my daughter is poking her own eyes out for the sake of a song.

---We went to the park was in the 40s, but sunny. But the park was WINDY! Kind of cold. Since I rarely dress my children appropriately, they were kind of cold. Andrew sits next to me on a bench and says, "Mom, I have a lot of moosebumps."

---Lily says "Hi!" to everyone now. Love it. Love that sweet little voice. And she's been very un-Lily like since coming back...very cuddly and affectionate. Oh, and she brought back some baby-dolls from Grandma's. She loves to feed them...especially in her highchair. I stuck that doll in there the first time, and her face lit up like a Christmas tree. She is just so. much. fun. Love her.

---Andrew and I were playing doctor...with the unconventional Nurse Lily administering treatments along the side. When Andrew was the doctor, I told him my back hurt. He took the ear/eye thingy and looked at my back. Here's the conversation:

Andrew--"I can see through your back and there's a baby in your tummy! That's what is making your back hurt."
Giselle--"How does a baby hurt my back? Isn't it in the front?"
A- (standing up), "Well, see, when you bend over like this" (bends over and makes an exaggerated groaning sound) "...see, it hurts your back"
G- "Can you fix it doctor?"
A- "Nope. The baby just needs to come out. Just don't bend over."
G- "But my children are so messy. If I can't bend over, what should I do about the mess?"
A- (getting on hands and knees) "Just crawl around like this to pick up the toys."
G- "Maybe I should make them clean it up. Or throw away all the toys."
A-" No, just crawl."

Oh, that groan he gave as he demonstrated me bending I was giggling.

Tomorrow...38 week appointment. I think I'm going to ask for no internal exam. They aren't willing to discuss induction until 39 weeks anyway. What's the point of finding out how dilated I am? Is it really worth trying to entertain a 1 year old in a tiny examination room while half naked? At least my mom will be in town for my 39 week appointment so I don't have to bring my children. ;)

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