Tuesday, April 01, 2008

38 weeks...OUCH!

I had my oh-so-eventful 38 week appointment today. I dropped Andrew off at school, but I had to take Lily with me. Luckily, the office was practically empty, so we moved through very quickly. And I had brought animal crackers for the waiting area and a lollipop for my exam. Breakfast of champions! It was Lily's very first lollipop, and it worked like a CHARM. She got so so sticky from drooling so much and she loved to stick her hands on it. Also, she sucked on it while watching me suspiciously...she knew I would take it away from her eventually. (which I did...poor thing).

Anyhoo...I've lost a few more pounds. But I am retaining so much water in my feet, I think I gain and lose a few pounds every day. I probably just wasn't as swollen this morning. BP fine...I guess. Baby's heart rate was apparently fine. No one tells me anything when Lily is in the room. I seriously doubt they even take accurate measurements they are so busy cooing and talking to her. But how can you resist? She was taking out each animal cracker and making the sound the animal makes. Pretty cute.

The midwife did a pelvic exam. She's like up to her shoulder up there, to which I said, "If my cervix is that far away, can't we pretty much assume nothing is going on?" And then it HURT LIKE HELL...which is odd because I've had my cervix checked a few times, and while it was uncomfortable it never hurt like this before. Here's a bit of our conversation:

Me: "Wow. That never hurt with my other kids. Ouch!"
Midwife: "Oh, well, you're a good one centimeter and nice and soft, so I just kind of stripped your membranes to try and get you into labor."
Me: "Um, I hope it doesn't start until Monday, because I have no one to watch the kids until then. "
Midwife: "Oops. Well, just bring the kids with you if you go into labor."

Lovely. Next time a little head's up may be in order. But it doesn't matter. I've been a little crampy and sore, but no more contractions than usual. I didn't even bleed like she said I might. It take more than a little "sweep" to get this body in labor.

On to the next week...


Andrea said...

H! My midwife stripped my membranes on a Wednesday afternoon and Joey was born Friday morning :)
Hopefully your little one will wait until Monday for you....
Oh ad she said "it's okay to hate me right now" which is good because I genuinely did!!!

Joanne said...

Yikes! Sorry for the pain! Hopefully little Jeff Jr. (well, you won't tell us the name!) will behave and wait until you have some help with his older siblings! I can imagine how fun it would be to wake up at 2 in the morning, in labor and have to get the kids in the car, too!

Kelsey said...


I am thinking of you constantly and I can't wait to hear about your newest arrival. I'm going to go crazy each day you don't post, wondering if things are happening!!!