Friday, April 04, 2008


Oh, there's no update. I am officially in the part of pregnancy where NO word from me surely means that I have had the baby and have smuggled him back home and am selfishly not sharing the news with anyone. My friends (who have had children, so should know better) send me e-mails asking if I've had the baby yet, as if expecting me to respond with, "Oh, yes, last Thursday. I was going to make the announcement in May." My mother interprets everything I feel as proof that labor is immanent. I'm tired and lazy today? Labor must be around the corner. Feeling energetic and productive? Yup, labor is just around the corner.

Well, technically it is. But I'm still in denial a bit about that. Still haven't packed a hospital bag. Still haven't written out instructions for my children for the vagrant that we drag in our to watch our children while we dash to the hospital. STILL haven't washed A SINGLE BABY ITEM. But I did wash the floorboard of my staircase yesterday. Because you just can't bring a baby home with dust on the floor! Even if the dust bunnies in the rest of the house are so large they are learning to read.

I'll try to post every day, just to prove that I am STILL pregnant. Problem is, sitting in this chair makes my damn back hurt. And, really, who wants a post from a grouchy pregnant lady every day anyway? And don't worry. Jeff is under STRICT instructions to post information about the birth of Baby Boy the moment he gets home from the hospital.


Anonymous said...

I think you should be kinder to your mother. She is just excited about being a grandmother again. And don't forget she is going to help you.

Guess who???

Erin said...

Thanks for the update! I am checking here a little obsessively. HURRY UP AND HAVE THIS BABY FOR ALL OF US, will you?

HawleyFamily said...

So, since you wrote this e-mail have you had the baby yet? hehehe With each of my kids i dreaded even answering the phone at the end cause i was sick of telling people, "no...not yet!" i finally just stopped answering and then they freaked out more! :)

CARRIE said...

Your pregnancy has really flown by for me, Giselle. I haven't felt tired or achy in the least...strange. Can't wait for Jeff's post.

Btw: I told D about your shower interruption post. He said, "She's REALLY making you look bad."

Kelsey said...

Okay, okay, I'm trying to relax over here. In this instance, we may have been better off before blogs, because now any quiet time is perceived as "something's happening!"