Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Lily

Lily will never cease to amaze me. She is 18 months old. A baby herself. I never talked to her about having a baby brother. She tickled my big belly, but we never tried to explain it to her. She is a baby. She has no concept. We didn't bring her to the hospital because, again, she has no idea that a baby is coming and we thought the separation from Mommy would be made more difficult. My expectations for Michael's homecoming were that Lily would be upset I had been gone and, Oh, yea, that's a baby over there, and then on to life according to Lily.

But instead we have a super cute video of Lily running to the car seat saying, "Hi! Hi, baby." She brings him toys. She is OBSESSED with his hands...all she wants to do is touch them and pull on them (this is not so cute). She is upset that people are holding the baby, but she alternates between being really cute and really mad about him. Ultimately she has the attention span of a...well, of an 18 month old.

I feel totally unprepared for parenting her with an infant in tow. I honestly have NO idea how to do it. And, being the person that I am, this is driving me crazy. I need to be in control of the situation. NOW. She is still watching too much tv. I have NO alone time with her, since Andrew never naps and is awake longer than her. This frustrates me. Because I enjoy her so much. She is just a little ray of sunshine in this house.

So enjoy these pictures of my Lily. I'm hoping that things just fall into place and she doesn't get shoved to the periphery too much. But, then, if you've ever met my Lily, you'd know that it would be impossible for her to melt into the background. :)


Andrea said...

Don't worry about LIly - I had the same fears for Rachel and she has become an AWESOME toddler since Joey was born!
She refused to look at him in the hospital (how much of what was going on she understood I'll never know) but once he came home she was forever in love with him! A loving instinct we had never seen before came out in her and she is always giving him pacifiers, blankets, kisses, and I frequently catch her just hugging him. She also blossomed as a person and is more tender and caring than before Joey. She melts my heart and she makes sure she doesn't get lost in the background!!!

Annie said...

I love stories and pictures about Lily. She has no chance of getting lost in the shuffle. In fact, she and Michael will probably be inseparable. And, as one of Reina's first friends, it is excting to hear what she can girl can't be far behind! I wish they could play more often.

If you want a good laugh and someone else to commiserate with who knows more than I-not to mention another rapid birth story, check out my sister-in-law Kristin's blog,

Enjoy getting to know your new Michael and watching your children become friends. We miss you guys!

Unknown said...

Lily is adorable.

Erin said...

You know what has been really cool (to me) about parenting with kids so close in age (Cal & E are 19 mo. apart)? The fact that Calum has no recollection of being an only child. He doesn't realize that we were once a family withOUT Emmett. I think that's cool. Lily will be like that with Michael.