Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 1: Afternoon edition

Okay, just so you know that I didn't go bury my children in the backyard...

Our afternoon went better. Just after typing my psycho post earlier, Michael FINALLY fell asleep. And...get the same time as Lily. So I got to eat lunch, play a game with Andrew, and get my 4 baskets of laundry folded.


So I didn't even have to wait for Day 2 for things to get better.

And I REALLY like the advice of chanting, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." I'm sure it will be the title of a future post.

I know I'm a wuss, and lots of you are out their rolling your eyes thinking, "Well, what did you THINK it would be like, you idiot. You got yourself into this mess." But I WILL get better. More sleep will certainly help with the coping. Again, knew this was part of the deal...

But it's my party, and I'll cry if I want to!

Oh, and my super-D-duper Jeff will be home tomorrow. He took his 5 vacation days and waited to use them until the grandmothers went home. Also, instead of taking an entire week off to be home with me and the kids, he is taking 5 consecutive Tues/Thursdays. So I'll only be at home alone with them every OTHER day for the next 2 1/2 weeks. Isn't that just brilliant? I married a smarty, I tell you. ;)

So on to brighter tomorrows! Thanks for the kind thoughts...and thanks for not sharing the not-so-kind thoughts!


CARRIE said...

And you blogged! That is a major accomplishment in my book!

Kelsey said...

I'm glad things started looking up. I think of you every time I feel overwhelmed with just my two. Chances are, if you're crying, I'm at it as well. We'll both make it -- I'm sure.