Monday, March 24, 2008

Full term

Ah, here we are. Full term. 37 weeks. Today.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning. I fully expected a pelvic exam, since I am full term. So I broke out the hedge clippers, I mean razor, and groomed just for those lovely midwives. Turns out they don't check you until 38 weeks at this office, unless you are contracting a lot. I am not. So I was only slightly bummed that I didn't get to hear the usual, "You are 0 centimeters dilated and 0% effaced." All that grooming for nothing.

Baby is sounding good. I got a second midwife to tell me that this baby isn't "Supersized". But since my induction went so well with Lily, they'd be happy to talk about induction once I reach 39 weeks. An induction would be GREAT. Going into labor on my own would be exciting, but since I have no one to watch the children, the thought is a bit stressful. I seriously don't know what to do with 2 children should I go into labor. I have friends, but they have their own children to take care of. -sigh- Let's just hope baby boy is like his older siblings and chooses to stay put until he is forced out. That gives Memere a chance to get here from Ohio ;)

And so we enter the ever exciting push to the finish of pregnancy. Filled with anxious people asking if labor is coming...grandparents getting excited every time we don't answer the phone (could they be at the hospital???)...every unanswered e-mail a reason to celebrate. Yes, this is an exciting time. Except for those of us that DON'T go into labor early, and in fact don't have dilation or babies who drop in the pelvis etc etc. You just walk around the last few weeks feeling like you're letting people down.

Jeff and I have been thoroughly enjoying our childless time. Well, I have. We have gone out to eat A LOT and slept in A LOT and just had conversation and silence and lots of wonderful time. And we also managed to move all the furniture out of Lily's room, paint it, and put the new furniture in (Lily's room is becoming the guest room...and remaining her room...lots of furniture in her room). By "we" I of course mean Jeff has been doing all this. I did the edging of the paint. Woo-hoo. And I washed the walls. Not in that order. Next on the agenda is moving Andrew's furniture around and giving his room a fresh coat of paint. And then finally getting the baby's room set up. Oh, and I have a dinner party to go to Wednesday night...while Jeff is working hard. ;)

To be fair to my big preggo self, I have accomplished quite a bit during the childless days. I am getting fingerprinted to renew my teaching certificate, I got fitted and bought nursing bras, I've shopped for other baby necessities, got Easter candy way reduced, I plan on buying hampers, trash cans, etc. for baby's room, I've scrubbed down my kitchen and bathrooms. So I haven't been a total slouch. I've also waddled, put my feet up, watched tv, read my book, and really relaxed.

The kiddos seem to be doing fine with Grandma and Grandpa. I get to talk to Andrew several times a day...which is really fun. He's a riot. Because of these conversations, I don't actually miss Andrew very much. I really miss Lily, because I'm getting no interaction with her at all. I can just hear her babbling in the background. I miss my munchkin. But not carrying her around or sitting on the floor with her.

Have I babbled long enough for you. I must go upstairs now and watch my husband work. It's tiring, but someone's got to do it.


Kelsey said...

I guess you don't necessarily feel relieved to make it to 37 weeks, as you are not prone to having babies early, but I still feel a little "whew" for you, especially after our experience! I'm glad you are able to enjoy your grown-up time. I can't wait to hear about the big arrival!

HawleyFamily said...

GO PITOSIN!! Only thing that worked in getting my babies to come out! I do wonder what it would be like to go into labor on my own. Guess I will never know! Induction is just WAY to convenient! Enjoy your QUIET!! :)

Andrea said...

Having this time to relax is great - enjoy it!
Going into labor on your own is exciting but nerve wracking at the same time. My mom only lives 20 minutes away and we still almost didn't make it to the hospital with Joey :)
Can't wait to hear when the little one gets here!
Oh, and my miwives don't check until 39 weeks!

Joanne said...

Ditto, 100% to everything Amanda said! I'm convinced that none of my 3 would have ever come out without pitocin! That part kind of sucks, but I never had to worry about my water breaking at an inconvenient time, or if my parents would get there in time (or to watch the other kids). There's something to be said for having things planned! ;-)

Thinking of you and hoping that he decides to surprise you by coming earlier than you expect!!!

Andrea said...

I'm so excited to come and see you in a few days! Even though I won't get to see #3 for a while, it will still be great to see the rest of you!

Annie said...

If I may be the voice of opposition...60 hours of induced "labor" wasn't personally very pleasant. However, I can see your point about the convenience and predictability. Especially with 2 other little ones running around.

Either way, I wish you luck and good pain meds!

Giselle said...

Annie, you should definitely be wary of inductions after your experience. But my induction with Lily...starting at 0 cm, 80% effaced...took 6 hours from the first drop of pitosin to Lily popping out. So I am not so worried about it not working ;) I'm much more worried about childcare.