Monday, March 09, 2009

Feminine products...

Today was a milestone of sorts. Of the insignificant sort of gross sorts. Of the "noone cares but me" sorts. I finished my jumbo box of tampons. It was a multipack from Costco that I bought in December 2005. That's right... I haven't bought tampons since December 2005. So if you want more kids, but your husband isn't sure...just tell him about the savings on feminine products! I mean, who cares about the costs of another pregnancy when you think of the dollars (10s of dollars) that you'll save!

And my new ones are so different! Apparently they change the design of packaging in 3 years. Go figure...


Swistle said...

I TOTALLY care about stuff like this. I made a NOTE IN MY JOURNAL when I finished my bottle of prenatal vitamins. When I had to buy Feminine Hygiene Products for the first time after Henry was born, I practically made a CEREMONY out of it at Target, explaining too loudly to my mother how this was the FIRST TIME in SEVERAL YEARS that I'd needed such a thing.

Joanne said...

Oh, good lord, you crack me up, girl! I remember buying them for the first time after Owen was born and noticing how the packaging was different, too. The odd things we remember...

Kelsey said...

Even while breastfeeding/pumping my period was back within two or three months both times - major fail! My cycle will not be stopped!

Andrea said...

A couple of months ago I too finished off a box that had been purchased in the summer of 2005! Yes, the savings on femine hygiene products is HUGE when you pop out 3 kids in 4 or 5 years!