Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

Borrowing from other blogs, I think I'll present you with 10 boring things about life at our house right now...on Tuesday. ;)

1) Our coffee machine is broken. Let me rephrase...Saturday night Jeff shattered the glass coffee pot part. Sunday we got coffee at Dunkin Donuts. Then there was no sleep on Sunday night. And yesterday I had the worst headache in the afternoon. I suppose I am more dependant on my morning coffee that I realized. Jeff stopped on the way home and bought a new coffee maker (programmable, 10 cup, only $20 at Kohls!). Unfortunately, we didn't realize until we went to set it up at 9 pm that it requires coffee filter papers. My headache is already starting this morning. Or perhaps that is because of #2...

2) Andrew and Lily are DRIVING. ME. CRAZY. They alternate between playing really well together to dissolving into screaming and whining and torturing. And they alternate every 3 minutes. They are DESPERATE to play with each other, but it never ends well. I know this is just a sibling thing. What scares me is when Michael joins the mix. Here is them during a peaceful episode. Thank you pbskids.org for the crowns.

3) I haven't mentioned it here, but Andrew started flag football on Sunday. We got a postcard in the mail in January from this place. We were very hesitant to start Andrew in sports, since he can be a bad sport and since I have a huge soap box about kids being over scheduled with no time for imagination and free play. But Andrew kept asking about it. When we finally told him we thought he was too young for it, he burst into tears. We decided we were big meanies. He started...and LOVED it. He cried twice during the game...once when his mouthpiece fell out into the grass and once when a boy on the opposite team yelled and "scared" him. But to Andrew's credit, he didn't want to quit and pulled it together enough to keep playing. So I guess he is ready ;) In the pictures below, he is #9.

4) We are ready for spring. Just to be outside running around. But I'm sure that I haven't thought through all the logistics of it yet. How am I supposed to watch the crawler and keep stuff out of his mouth while watching the toddler try to kill herself on our play equipment? And when we get the kiddie pool, what do I do with Lily when I have to take Michael inside for a nap? -sigh- I guess this gets easier but still hard in different ways. Kudos to you crazy people who PLAN on this spacing for your kids. I just don't get how to do it sometimes... Here's an activity both babies can enjoy...until Lily stands up to get out. ;)

5) I went to try on bathing suits this weekend. With Lily. Ugh. I had plans to get a new Land's End suit since I'm a size 12 now (yippee!). But when I tried them on I realized something...Summer 2008, breastfeeding boobs...Summer 2007, breastfeeding/pregnancy boobs...Summer 2006, pregnancy boobs. It has been a LONG time since I've seen my "regular" sized chest. And after breastfeeding 3 babies...it ain't pretty. Halter top suits are all the rage...unfortunately, my naturally far set breasts are hanging under the arms after all this lactating. Doesn't look very good in those halters. And the sporty high chested ones look ridiculous on my...um...not-so-sporty body. -sigh- I think I'll just wear my size 14 suits again. Then at least I can blame the looking bad on the suit ;)

6) I think I'm driving my husband crazy. I know I am :) We moved to Philadelphia with the intention of staying here forever. It was the international headquarters of Jeff's company, so there were lots of facilities and plants in this area. As of April 1st, Jeff's company will be bought out by another, much larger chemical company. So it is not looking good for us to stay here. Which brings me to my "driving him crazy". There is no word of what will become of Jeff's plant or job. It could be shut down in a year or in 5 years...no idea. But I WANT TO KNOW NOW!!! Should I start preparing myself to live in Texas (blech) or the middle of nowhere Michigan (blech). Should we do the kitchen over so we can sell this place or should we NOT do the kitchen over because why bother if we are moving. Should we plan a TON of little weekend trips this summer just in case we move far away and don't have the opportunity to see Boston and NYC and DC, etc. And on and on and on. I pester Jeff for info every day, and he, of course, has no new info. Poor guy. I need a different hobby.

7) I wrote on facebook that what I do all day is "Play with the kids to avoid housework OR Do housework to avoid playing with the kids." This resonates with me...it is so true that it is sad. If the kids are sleeping or watching tv (like now), I rarely get stuff done. I do...well...THIS stuff. And if we've been playing pretend for a while (or usually just 15 minutes or so), I suddenly get the urge to clean up the dishes or wash the floor or pick up the toys. Seriously, perhaps getting a yacht and avoiding the whole motherhood thing would've been a better fit.

8) I have nothing planned for this week. No playdates, nothing. I should start getting ready for our trip to Ohio...but we don't own enough clothes to start packing, and if I buy snacks and stuff for the car, they will all be eaten before we leave. Next week should be CRAZY! But I'm really excited to go. I wish we could go for longer so we could see everybody. It's been since last June! Crazy!

9) I gave up snacking for Lent. I know, I know, I'm sure God would prefer that I actually went to church for Lent, but I thought I needed to give up snacking more. And I did really really well for about 2 weeks, and then the kids got sick and I got trapped in the house for a week and I got stir-crazy and depressed and sleep deprived. Ugh. Now I can't seem to pull myself back into good behavior. I'm just feeling Blah about life in general. Rather than being motivated to lose weight when I saw myself in a swimsuit, I felt like, Why bother? It is so hard to exercise...I can either get up at 5 am and take a walk or go walking at 7:30pm. I am exhausted at both of those times. I know it would feel good and I should just do it...but why bother? Belly dancing is great, but it is only 45 minutes one day a week...and I SUCK, so I'm not sure how much I'm getting out of it. Blah blah blah. I don't feel like reading books or doing my cross-stitch or gardening or cleaning or even showering. Just blah.

10) I decided last night that Michael can get up once a night. I know, I know...but he is not gaining weight, so if he is willing to drink 8 ounces in the middle of the night, I feel willing to give it to him. So I told Jeff before bed that I will not get up with him before 4am. At 4am, he has been in bed for 10 hours and I don't feel bad giving him a little milk to fill his belly. As if he were listening, Michael woke up screaming last night at 4:01 am. I kid you not. I waited 15 minutes to see if he'd go back to sleep, then gave him 8 ounces and put him back down. It's not perfect...but what can I say? He's my baby!


d e v a n said...

I hear ya on #7. And hey, Michael can tell time! :)

Andrea said...

too late now but you could ahve used a paper towel in lieu of the filter! Now you know! Just call me Heloise :)

Swistle said...

I keep a can of disgusting instant coffee on hand for just such emergencies.

I often think back to the pre-children days when I was weighing my options: Have kids? Or have money and silence and a nice tulip garden? Some days I am baffled by my choices.

Kate said...

I'm on my 6th day of no caffeine... and hanging in there. I feel like a limp plant.

Joanne said...

Hey, hey. Don't be hatin'on Texas!

Kelsey said...

Yes I'm about two weeks late commenting on this. . .

You may be past the bathing suit thing already, but I love how lands end has modest tops/bottoms that you can order in two different sizes (i.e. if you need a different top than bottom size). Are you sure you've weighed all your options there?

I'm interested in hearing more about flag football. Matt is eager to sign Harper up for a sports "team," but I argue that she's too young to really get the whole team thing. I know Andrew is a year older, but I'm filing your experiences for future references. As you've noted before, our oldest are basically one soul walking around in two bodies!