Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pictures from the last month

I finally downloaded some pictures from our camera. Turns out it has been a month since I last downloaded. Oops. We've been having some camera issues, some barfing issues, some Mommy-the photographer-is ouchie problems and some hair issues (Lily always looks homeless...2 seconds after I do her hair she is rubbing her head on our couch or wrestling or whatever.)

But here they are...

Mike the construction worker. My FIL got me this hard hat after I was taken out by the monkey bars last fall. Hardy-har-har. But Mikey sure is cute in it.

He also likes football helmets. But not for long enough to get a picture.

This is supposed to be a shot of how Mikey can get into the pantry now. Which Lily still hasn't figured out. He also can get into the fridge and knows to go get the step-stool to reach counters/microwave/knives. Good times.

Me and my trouble maker.

Lily. The Hair. Good God...would it be terrible to shave a little girl's head?

Who needs couches? Michael loves sitting in the baby carriage.
Mr. Mike does not want to sit in a high chair or booster seat anymore. Can't climb on the table and reach other peoples' food/crayons/milk that way.

I don't even remember what this was about. Playing without tackling perhaps? That would be noteworthy enough to crack out the camera.
No idea what this photo was about.

This is pretty much how sick-fest 2010 went. That day Jeff and I were both down. Good times.
Laundry baskets are fun. Fun enough to fight over.
Jeff buried Andrew in snow last week. Andrew decided it was NOT as much fun as being buried in autumn leaves. Brilliant.
Rooting for the Saints. Until the game started, and wrestling Lily became MUCH more interesting.

My parents are here. They are on their way to Virginia to have a birthday weekend with my Uncle Mark. Because Philly is on the way from Ohio to Virginia.
But with cuddles like these, I guess I can understand why they take the detour.

We had a birthday cake for Pepere.
Mike enjoys cake case you were wondering.

That's all for the random photos today. ;)


d e v a n said...

Cute! My kids fight over laundry baskets too!

Joanne said...

Love it! The picture of your dad and Lily on the couch together is so sweet!