Saturday, September 10, 2011

An ode to running

Oh running, how I hate thee
Since April I've been trying
Since April I've been dying
Oh running, how I hate thee

I'm scared to run in front of others
Not even my own mother

In my dreams I run wild and free
But when I wake my legs are like lead
I'd rather that I were dead
Oh running, how I hate thee

There's never a moment in my run
Where I'm having the least bit of fun

The whole time I have pain in my shin and knee
I pant like a half-dead dog
I sweat like a half-cooked hog
Oh running, how I hate thee

25 minutes seems to be my wall
But at about 17 minutes I want to quit it all

My weight remains at one hundred seventy three
I still have to squeeze into my size fourteen
Despite 6 months of exercise I am not any more lean
Oh running, how I hate thee

I can't possibly run any faster than I do now
I can't possibly run any slower than I do now

Everyone else does it better than me
Or at least that's how it seems
If only I could run like I do when I day dream
Oh running, how I hate thee

Jeff's ready for the race
I am totally going to lose face

I am just so disappointed in me
I thought 6 months was sufficient to train
So why am I still in so much pain
Oh running, how I hate thee


bluedaisy said...

Despite the hardships you write about here, I admire your perseverance with running. I can't even get to the point of starting. You rock my friend!

CARRIE said...

You are dedicated and insane at the same time. That is an awesome combination!!!!

CARRIE said...

Oh, and you can run for 25 minutes?????? Seriously, whenever I run on the treadmill if I make it 5 minutes that is HUGE!!

So compared to me you are like Florence Griffith Joyner.

Pamela said...

That poem was so awesome now I hate running too!

When you cross that finish line it's going to feel so great that you won't even care how long it took you or that you walked or crawled part of it. The cheers from the crowds at the end of a race are the best thing ever! It has magical powers that suddenly make you think all the pain you went through to get there was worth it. It will be amazing to FINISH!!! And if you are running 25 minutes that finish line is totally in the bag!