Tuesday, September 20, 2011

To school

He walks nonchalantly to the bus stop. No big deal, he's cool. He has a spelling notebook and book reports and is reading The Chocolate Touch. His ankles and wrists are gaping out of his long sleeves and pants from last spring. After school he eats a snack and tells me sparse bits and pieces of his day. Then he begs to run outside and play football with the neighbors for hours.

She waves and shouts hello to her old teachers as she skips down the hall to her new classroom. She excitedly dresses each morning for school with no complaint, sings all the words to the new songs, tells me every detail of the VIP, and recites everything she learned about sunflowers/apples/making friends.

He wails at the prospect of going to school. He tells me very seriously, "I cry because I need you, Mommy." He proudly shows his art work and tries to sing a few words of the songs he's heard. He bravely carries his bookbag into school and hangs it on a hook. Then he covers his eyes and walks blindly into his classroom, sobbing quietly.

How is it that all 3 can make me swell with pride and break my heart in the same instant? For such very different reasons?

1 comment:

CARRIE said...

Yep. Motherhood is multi-tasking everything. Especially emotions.