Monday, April 23, 2007

Oh what a weekend!

Quick recap of our busy weekend...

Saturday...I don't know what we did Saturday. But the weather was glorious and we were exhausted at the end of the day. My house wasn't cleaner. No projects were completed. But the kids were dirty and we were happy. Oh, I remember. We tried to go bike riding in our new bikes. We spent a TON of money getting all geared up to bike with the kids...and neglected to research baby stuff. See, they don't make helmets small enough for my peanut's head. And helmet's are the law for kids under 12. And when we went online to look up "infant bike helmets", I got a few articles saying you should NEVER bike with a child under 9 months...and probably not frequently with a child under a year. -sigh- Better luck next year, I suppose.

Sunday...our friends Bill and Annie were in town for a wedding. Actually, there were here the whole weekend, but their brother selfishly kept them busy most of the weekend. Damn grooms. ;) So we decided last minute to go to the Philadelphia Zoo. Like my sister seems to have experienced, the zoo was...shall we say...crowded? Philly's zoo is located within the largest city park in the US...and it was a gorgeous day. So the biggest crowd was getting off the freeway and into the parking lots for the zoo. Also, it was autistic kid day at the zoo. I'm not trying to be actually was. What misery for these poor kids...all these people crushing around them at all the exhibits. Despite these little things, it was a really fun day. Andrew ADORES Bill (and Annie...but mostly Bill), and wanted to hold his hand and show him all the animals. Lily liked smacking Reina in the face...which Reina thought was pretty cool too. And it was great to catch up with friends and enjoy a day out in the sun.

We got home at 3:15...just in time to get ready for a cookout with my playgroup. A daddy-play date. Jeff's favorite. We were all BEAT, but I knew we had to go. I'm a firm believer that if you want to continue to be invited to things, you have to go to a few of them ;) So I dragged my family back out into the sun and we socialized with my friends and their husbands for a few hours. Not entirely enjoyable, since Andrew fell down twice and ripped open his knees, and Lily was literally breaking down (she wouldn't nap at the she'd slept a total of 60 minutes the entire day). Poor Jeff. I hope he has more fun at the next daddy-play date.

Nothing like good weather to wear people out! Now we have to get serious about this homeowner maintaining our property. No time to play, must pull weeds and trim bushes. I'm so over having a yard...and I've only had one for 2 years now. Ugh.

1 comment:

Annie said...

We had a great time with you, too! He won't say so, but Bill LOVES attention from toddlers...they are his favorite age. Especially sports-worshipping-funny-thing-saying-boy-toddlers. He loves his girl but gets a kick out of Andrew. Sorry the rest of your day was a little rough. Reina melted down at the reception but then passed out so hard even the DJ couldn't wake her!