Sunday, April 29, 2007


Sometimes I am overwhelmed by how happy having 2 kids makes me. Which is probably a good thing, because if I completely hated having 2, I'd be kind of stuck.

I'm not saying that having one child wasn't wonderful. Some people claim they don't feel complete with just one. I never had that. I always felt complete with Andrew. If that had been our family, I would have been happy. I just wanted another to humble Andrew...teach him that the world does not revolve around him.

Now that Lillian is here, I must again say I am sometimes overwhelmed by this family of 4. Not in a bad an emotional, tug-at-your-heart way. My plan to humble Andrew has totally backfired. Instead of teaching him that the world doesn't revolve around him, I have reinforced it. Jeff and I have to dance around like idiots to get a chuckle from Lily. Andrew just walks through the room and she grins and coos.

I watch the two of them together and I melt. I know they will start fighting and bickering and teasing soon. But what they have right will still be underneath all that kid stuff. Andrew and Lily ADORE each other. It is a relationship that has nothing to do with me. And yet it overwhelms me.

It has been stated already many times that Lily is an Andrew groupie. She worships him. But have I mentioned that Andrew is quite enamored with his little sis? He has inherited Jeff's care-taking gene. He will do almost anything to help out Lily (unless he is being particularly 3...then all bets are off). When we took them for a short bike ride, Lily was freaking out. I look into the cart as we're riding, and Andrew is holding her hand and patting it, trying to make her feel better. If she is screaming in the car, Andrew will do anything silly he can think of to make her laugh. If I'm going to put her on the floor for a roll-fest, he eagerly helps me clean up any small toys he's left out. And he still cheers...loudly...every time she rolls over...he's so excited for her.

I'm telling you...I was happy with one. And I'm not saying that those of you with one child are not "complete". I'm just saying...I'm so happy we had Lily. I never knew how much I wanted this little person to fill out our family.


Kate said...

Don't worry-- no offense taken here. I'm so glad Colin has so many cousins his own age and it's fun to watch them all grow up together.

Erin said...

So sweet! I love that they are fans of each other. I bet I know where they learned it too...

Kelsey said...

Seesh, I'm either going to have to stop reading your blog, or get pregnant this instant! I love reading about your family.