Yes, I think I can safely say that Andrew is potty trained. He wears underpants from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed at night. No accidents for over a week now. And just the other day he conquered the elusive #2. We are so excited. So proud. So...amazed. Who is this big kid that suddenly can control his body functions? Where did my baby go? And...THANK GOD!
I have no idea when children accomplish night time potty training. Andrew wakes up dry a few days a week...so I guess it won't be too long. I also guess that wearing underpants at night will require a few things. Like, I won't be able to child-proof lock Andrew into his room anymore. And he will have to wear easy access pjs. And be able and willing to pull down his pants. Maybe when he's 10? (that's Andrew's response to everything these days..."I'll do it when I'm 10, Mom".
Here's another cute Andrew story. He and Jeff were talking about best friends...I don't remember why. I was sitting listening to this heart to heart, and it just about made my heart melt...
Andrew- "Dad, who is your best friend?"
Jeff- "Mommy."
Andrew- long pause "What about me?"
And Miss Lily is doing quite well also. All this rolling around is really wearing her out...naps are coming more regularly and sometimes get as long as 40 minutes!!! That's a 20 minute improvement! She is loving her cereal and will sit in her high chair socializing for up to a half hour after her meal. She's becoming quite the Mommy's girl (as is appropriate for her age), and even reaches for me now. Love it. It will get old quickly, I'm sure, but right now I love it. Nothing like a baby reaching for you to make you feel important. Lily's pooping has become nice and regular again. She is achieving the baby magic trick that I remember so well from Andrew. What she eats and what she poops look identical...she just adds the stink!
-sigh- I just realized that this post is almost entirely about excriment. -sigh- I am quickly becoming unfit to socialize with John Q Public
Great job on the potty training! I know it was a HUGE weight lifted when I got Alec potty trained!
I kept him in pull ups at night for a while after potty training him. On the mornings when he woke up dry I would save the pull up and use it again the next night. That cut down on the cost of them. One day, about 3 months after he was potty trained Alec said to me, "Mommy, I don't have to wear pull ups at night anymore." We tried keeping him in underwear and he did great! He has had some accidents, but really not that bad. I have heard him numerous times getting up and going to the bathroom all on his own in the middle of the night!
Just think, girls are easier to potty train than boys, so you have it made with Lily when the time comes! :)
Yay Andrew!!!
And don't worry about John Q. Public. He tends to be overly sensitive when it comes to excrement talk anyhow. YOU, Giselle, are much more interesting than J.Q.P.
WOW! Way to go Andrew (and you)! I may be calling you soon to find out more about how you did this. I know girls are supposed to be easier, but Harper is working hard to disprove that theory.
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