Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stupid Sudafed

So my cold is progressing. I'm sure the lack of sleep is helping it along quite nicely. So I was DETERMINED to get a good night's sleep last night. I was going to have Jeff get up with the kiddos (he was not notified of this ahead of time). I dug out my printout from the OB/GYN's about what medicine it is safe to take. Much to my shock and amazement, they have Sudafed...the real pseudoephedrine...listed. WHAT??? I know this was NEVER allowed during my other pregnancies. But I gleefully popped 2 before bed and lay my head on the pillow eagerly anticipating the sinus clear out.

An hour later I woke up. WIDE AWAKE. My eyelids were so heavy, but my body was twitchy and tossy-turny and utterly unable to relax. I felt as if I had drank 5 espressos. Ugh. So I knew this was the stupid Sudafed. Have I mentioned my body tends to overreact to certain medications? Yea...turns out Sudafed makes me stay awake. 4 hours later, I can finally feel my body start to relax. That's 4 hours in the middle of the night, people. Ugh. As I finally melt into bed, Andrew wakes up and starts crying. I send Jeff in (aren't I horrible?). Then after 90 minutes of blissful sleep, Tai Kwon Do class starts in the womb. Which makes me half to go to the bathroom. Which is when I hear my boy coughing so hard he is gagging in his room. I medicate and sooth him. Drag my ass back to bed for the remaining hour of sleep left until Jeff's alarm goes off and we're up for the day. No such luck finding a comfy sleeping position...now my head is completely clogged up and springing leaks from all kinds of orifices.

So...to recap. I'm sick. I got 3 hours of non-consecutive sleep total. Andrew is coughing up a lung so will not go to school today. It's Jeff's fencing class tonight. Oh, wait. I notified him this morning that fencing has been cancelled due to a strike of his childcare staff. He took one look at the dark bags under my eyes and listened to my gravelly nasal voice and agreed. Good man. I feel bad that he has to miss his social/fitness outing, but whatever.

Tonight I'm taking a sure-fire sleep inducer. Brandy.

Okay, not really. But I'll think about it.


Kelsey said...

Arg - pregnant women and small children, those who should least have to suffer through colds, can't take any of the really good medicine! Although I would have liked to "cook" Michael a little longer, I am so grateful for the pain medication they are giving me now and I am not trying to tough it out at all. When they ask if I want more, I say, "Oh God, yes!"

I hope you get some rest today and that your cold passes quickly!

Emily said...

There must be something going around that women in their 3rd trimester are especially prone to. You and I and another blogger that I read (http://momminitup.com/) are all very pregnant and sick. It sucks. I already dread going to bed at night because it's a 7 hour battle to find a comfy position, and now it's even worse with sore throat and drainage. Ugh, I'm so tired. The up-side: just had a doctor's appointment and no progress, so it doesn't look like I have to worry about delivering with a head cold.

Emily said...

I just read my comment and it was all about me. What I meant to add to all that whining was: I hope you feel better soon, and your kiddos, too!!

Giselle said...


Please, please, please complain on my blog. It makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only whiner out there ;)

And in all the birth stories I've heard (since women share them like war vets share their battle stories), I don't think I've ever heard of someone going through labor with a head cold. How could this be? I just hope you are not my first. I can't imagine having to push, etc, all the while feeling that pressure in your head. Ugh.

CARRIE said...

You poor thing!

theb_oc said...

I know this blog entry was years ago but it came up in my search about sudafed keeping pregnant woman awake. Sounds like I could have written it myself as I lay here at 4:30 a.m praying for it to wear off. But I took it at 2am when I woke up to help my 20 month old back to sleep and my sinuses were killing me! Just wanted you to know that it was nice to read about someone dealing with the same thing even if it was forever ago.
Lesson learned: sudafed at night...never again!