Monday, March 21, 2011

What a week...

Monday: Dental appointments for all 3 kids at 8:30 am. Drop Andrew off to school. Gymnastics for Lily at 11:30...entertain grumpy 3 year old for an hour. Andrew home from school at 4. Do homework, get dinner early, baseball practice 5:30-6:30. Shadow to groomers at 6 pm. Church education committee meeting 7pm...if Jeff and Shadow are home by then.

Tuesday: Andrew and Lily off to school. Michael Creative Parenting class 10:30. Pick Lily up from school 11:45. Andrew home from school at 4, do homework, then meet Uncle Chad in downtown Philly for dinner at 5:30.

Wednesday: Kids sure to be grouchy from going to bed late. But it's okay! Wednesday is our lazy day! Andrew to school and then chess club after school. Otherwise...I will need to clean and meal plan and shop for our visitors coming later in the week.

Thursday: Andrew and Lily to school. Michael has speech at 9:30. Pick up Lily and her friend Sara from school (mom has a dental appointment). Feed lunch and entertain until Sara's mom comes to get her (the girls don't play well together).

Friday: Andrew and Lily to school. Playgroup in the am with Michael. In-laws come for a visit in the evening! Time for a fun weekend!

Add in the usual laundry, baths, food prep and shopping, picking up the house. Actually, now that I write it out, the end of the week doesn't look so bad. I'll be able to pick up the slack then. ;)


Aunt Sara said...

I didn't know Chad was going to Philly. I'm jealous!

bluedaisy said...

At first, I read this as though it already happened...then I realized it's the current week (i'm slow today, sorry!). Wow, you are a trooper but at least you get the busier days done first...and have a fun visit for the end of the week :)

Kelsey said...

Whew - it makes me tired to read that, especially the first part of your week! But at least you have a fun visit to look forward to at the end of it, right?

Harper wanted to look into playing t-ball this year, but it is a commitment multiple times a week and goes on for months! I'm just not ready to work that into our schedule yet. I'm not sure I ever will be!

Emily said...

This makes me feel better, because the next two weeks look similar to this for me, and I always have this sense of guilt, like am I overscheduled? Am I running my kids crazy? But I really don't think so. We are home A LOT, right? A lot.

CARRIE said...

This so looks like my week a lot of the time. I swear it is amazing how having 3 kids ramps up the activity level.