Saturday, February 04, 2012

Damn/Wonderful computers

I have not been blogging, because our DAMN computer is so slow.  It thinks and thinks and thinks and thinksandthinksthinksthinksthinks...and then it tells me it cannot open Internet Explorer...would you like to try again?  And then the cycle continues with the infernal thinking and not opening.  Crazy making.  Jeff thinks it is Explorer.  So I'm trying to get used to Google Fire instead.  But it has none of my favorites.  I don't like change.  I can search and read on my Kindle, so I'm only missing out on commenting and writing blogs.  Blah!

Michael has pink eye.  I submit that there are very few things harder than restraining a 40 pound being while trying to aim a single drop in each eye...and then prying that eye open to get the drops in...3 times a day.  That's not fair.  Jeff is home for the last one of the day.  But yesterday...after doing this for 3 days...I finally figured out to use the Kindle as a bribe.  Explaining to Michael that he could play Angry Birds after he had his eye drops worked like a charm.  My WONDERFUL computer made Michael leap onto the couch and not struggle (much) as I did his eye drops.  When he wanted to play before dinner, I explained he could after his drops...which wouldn't be until after dinner.  He proceeded to beg me for eye drops for the next hour.  Success!


CARRIE said...

I was wondering what cliff you had walked off I know.

Andrea said...

Try downloading and using Mozilla Firefox. That's what I've been using for a few years, and it is usually better than internet explorer

Kelsey said...

Computer problems are SO FRUSTRATING. It is kind of difficult to believe I lived the first seventeen years of life w/out regular access to one of these.

Remember when it would take several minutes for a Netscape page to load at UD? One page!

Does your computer seem awesome now, with that memory in mind? Because that's what I was going for.

I miss you! And your writing.