Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Some things about being 3

I have mentioned that I am a firm believer that 3's are better than the 2's. At this house. I partly contribute this to the fact that Andrew was an early and extremely proficient talker...he got through it earlier. I also partly contribute the easy 3's to the fact that Andrew is a laid-back, people pleaser. Always has been and I hope he always will be.

BUT...he is still 3. It's easy to forget, because he's so funny and enjoyable and clever. But he's 3. He seems so mature that you think you can play games with him. But then the instant he doesn't win a hand/kick the ball/score a point, he melts into a ball of tantrum right then and there. Or he will stalk off with his arms folded over his chest. Or he will throw the board game/card game across the room. And there is no success trying to distract him out of it. That is different from the 2s.

Also representing the "Terrible 3's" at this house is the nasty little attitude that Andrew has been trying out lately. Really seeing how far he's allowed to push things. The latest? "Too bad" in "No you can't have Easter candy for breakfast"..."Too bad Mom, I'm having it" At this point, my head spins around on my neck, my eyes turn red, and Andrew runs for the hills, realizing he's pushed me a bit too far. Oh wait, that's how it plays out in my head. In reality, Andrew then reaches to help himself to the candy. Arghhhh!

It makes my blood boil to just THINK about him saying in that snotty voice, "Too bad". Which, of course, is the reaction that the 3 year old wants.

Andrew also claims to have no self-control. If he can reach something he's not supposed to have on the counter, he'll reach for it. When I catch him, he says, "Well, you'd better move it where I can't reach it then." What?!?!?!?

Also irritating is the demanding "Prince Andrew" tone of voice. As in "Get me some milk, right now!" or "Go get my coat" or "2 forks, get me 2 forks". What?!?!?!?! It's not so much the demands...he has always been demanding...he's a kid. It's the attitude attached to these requests lately that makes the hair on my head stand up.

-sigh- But in general, Andrew is a phenomenal 3 year old. We went to Fonthill last weekend. What's Fonthill, you ask? A castle with all original furnishings and decorations, with tiles EVERYWHERE in the poured concrete walls. You are forbidden to touch ANYTHING. Andrew didn't touch ANYTHING for the entire hour tour. I was so stinking proud of him. I haven't met another 3 year old with that much self control. He amazes me.

Oh, and I told him the story of the boy who cries wolf yesterday. He told me if I put him in his room for quiet time he was just going to scream. (he is 3, after all) I told him screams make me think something is wrong with him, so he should save them for when there is something wrong...and into the story. I caught Andrew telling his own version to Jeff last night...but it was about a fox and some snakes (why wouldn't you want a fox to eat the snakes?). So cute. And we played school yesterday...Andrew was the teacher...and he was teaching me songs and all about caterpillars...oh heart almost burst.

So see? He's a good, fun kid. Just this attitude. Oh, what to do with that attitude?


Andrea said...

I think him telling you to put things where he can't reach them has to be my favorite! I just picture him using this for a while, and then bringing it back when he eventually passes you up in height...

Kate said...

It makes me laugh to hear about the attitude. I think I had that attitude right up until... well, probably right up until I graduated. From college. Good luck. Memere will commiserate.