Wednesday, May 09, 2007

No mother of the year...again.

Damn it! I've taken myself out of the running for Mother of the Year...AGAIN. At this rate I'll never even be nominated.

So Andrew has been wearing my every last nerve the last several days. Here's a short synopsis of yesterday to give you the flavor:

7:30- Andrew wakes up. Hooray! He should be in a great mood since he slept in, right?

8:30- Andrew is taken up to his room for timeout...he bit me hard enough through jeans to leave a mark. And we were just playing...he wasn't even mad.

8:33- I go upstairs to get the requisite "Sorry, Mom." Andrew says, "I'm not sorry. I'm going to stay in my room forever."

8:45- Andrew knocks on the door, says, "Sorry. I was just tendering you were food." (remember...tendering means pretending...he wasn't tenderizing me to eat me or anything)

9:00- When Andrew won't share toys with Lily, I tell him if he can't share his toys, then he can't play with her toys. He says, "Fine, I don't want to play with her toys."

9:30- Lily goes down for a nap. I read books with Andrew and cuddle him and color with him. During all these activities I repeat about 50 times that when Lily wakes up, we're going to go to the library.

10:30- Lily wakes up. I feed her while Andrew watches TV. Andrew refuses to put on shoes. I start counting to three to get him to come to me to put on shoes. He counts back at me. Sarcastically. Snidely. I haul his ass upstairs trying my hardest not to throttle his snotty little butt (oh, how attitude rubs me the wrong way).

Need I go on? We never made it to the least not then. After 2 more time outs and "quiet time" in his room for an hour that consisted mostly of him knocking on his door and trying to make a break for it, I just HAD to leave the house, lest I strangle him. When I finally dragged him into the car he refused to say "please" for a fruit roll-up, instead using this delightful phrase, "When I say I want it, you have to GIVE IT TO ME. You HAVE to. GIVE IT TO ME." When I of course denied him the fruit roll up, he screamed and kicked the seat of the car and yelled, "MOMMY, YOU ARE GOING INTO TIMEOUT. I'M GOING TO THROW YOU OUT THE WINDOW." I did not react to any of it, other than turning the car music on to drown him out. He eventually stopped screaming because he got hoarse. Then we got to the library and he was a little angel, quietly playing computer games and leaving just when I told him to.

-sigh- I love the 3's.

But yesterday isn't even the reason I'm not getting Mother of the Year. On the contrary, I think I handled yesterday pretty well. No, here's the real reason.

Andrew goes to school for 90 minutes on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. I was informed that moms needed to get to school 10 minutes early today so the kids could perform a little Mother's Day treat. I told Andrew this morning that I would be coming into his classroom today.

Apparently, I dropped him off and he CRIED HYSTERICALLY the whole day. The teachers were bewildered. But Andrew thought I was going to spend the entire day with him...not just the last 10 minutes. I feel awful. My poor kid. I totally misled him. He was HEARTBROKEN that I had just dropped him off and not stayed. He wouldn't sing the song or give me a hug. He stood during the performance with his arms crossed over his chest, frowning, and trying his hardest not to cry.

How can a child make you want to pull your hair out one day and totally break your heart with love and tenderness the next? Heck, it goes minute to minute not day to day. Such is motherhood. At least motherhood for a LOSER like me. I think I'll be more specific next time. And I sure as heck ain't going to be missing any school events, that's for sure!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I can't imagine the amount of mood altering meds I would need to be mother of the year! I think you handled your trying day fantastically and isn't it really hard to not strangle them when they start with the sarcasticness and the mimicking??? Good Lord that is my least favorite thing!!!