Thursday, May 17, 2007

To the beach, to the beach!

Well, we're off to the beach in Texas tomorrow. Oh, and my brother-in-law's graduation. Not that the graduation isn't the most important thing. But there just happens to be a condo reserved at the beach for the following week. ;) I am in the process of trying to compress all the crap that kids need into the fewest number of suitcases. Thank heavens the condo has a washer/dryer. I remember when I was psyched if my vacation destination had free drinks. Oh, how life changes. ;)

So be prepared for a nice long hiatus from "Moments of Sanity--Take 2". I'm sure I'll come back with no pictures and very few stories. No, seriously. I'm notoriously bad about documenting actual exciting trips. Mundane daily life, I could write about all week (oh, wait, I do). But fun trips. Not so much. Trust me. I've been printing out my blog history. Not much.

I'll be missing you and thinking of you often! Not really, but feel special anyway.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Well we will miss updates from you. But having fun on vacation is as it should be! I'll look forward to a few highlights when you get back. Can't wait to see you guys in Dayton!