Sunday, May 06, 2007

Okay, NOW I miss him...

It always takes me a day to miss Andrew. Is that terrible? The first day away from him is like a refreshing break. He probably feels the same way. Then after about 24 hours, I really miss him. I miss crawling into bed with him while we wait for the clock to say "7". And I miss the way he makes me laugh (like Friday when I crawled into bed and he said, "Hello Darlin'".). I miss answering "Why?" a thousand times every 10 minutes. Okay, I don't actually miss that. But I miss his little voice.

A few weeks ago, I was feeling bad that I never listen to music with Lily. With Andrew we used to sing to Elmo, etc, before he was even a year old. After this weekend, I realize why. I sit and talk to Lily, but she kind of just stares back at me and I run out of things to say. So I turned on some music to just fill the silence a bit. Which brings me to a realization I remember having when Andrew was a baby.

Babies are boring.

They are adorable and cute and fun in their own way. But they can only do a few limited activities, and they certainly can't hold up their end of the conversation. I've gotten used to talking about the paper with Andrew and discussing our day and arguing over whether to get dressed or not and singing, "Pop! Goes the waffle" to the toaster. Watching Matchbox cars have races and being ordered around to a million chores. We go to parks and places fun to run around. My house is usually filled with the chatter of a 3 year old. It is dreadfully quiet right now. Well, not dreadfully. I get to hear the coos and ahh's of my 7 months old, after all. But I can tell she's bored with me too. She's used to Mr. Action to watch all day. Boring old Mom just doesn't cut it.

So I'm ready for my boy to be back. Some of you with only children interpreted my last post as implying that having 2 children is hard. It's not. I'm one of the laziest people I know, and I manage to do it quite effortlessly...most days anyway. So it's not hard. Just hard-er than one kid. And it's way more fun.


CARRIE said...

Oh, it is so nice that someone else agrees that babies are dull. Adorable, yes. Amazing, yes. So not entertaining for extended periods of time.

Andrea said...

I ALWAYS delight in Rachel and Mommy time for about 5 minutes. Then I realize that I look cazy talking to a baby and wish I had Ryan with me as well!
So normal!
I do think LIly probably enjoyed her vacation - I know Rachel loves being the "only" child!