Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A magical Christmas

Ahhhh, what a nice day. Andrew has lived up to the reputation of a 4 year old at Christmas. Thank heavens.

He went to bed last night at 6:30. Yes, 6:30. Since he apparently no longer eats dinner, ever, and he wakes up at 5:30 due to hunger, we have moved his bedtime back. Last night was particularly early, but it works to make a happier child the following day! Andrew actually slept in on Christmas morning. Weirdo.

At 7 am Andrew came into our bedroom and tapped me on the shoulder. He said, "Mom, I went downstairs and SANTA CAME!!!" I asked, "How do you know?" And he said, "Because there are HUNDREDS of PRESENTS." Imagine this phrase said very dramatically with his arms spreading out. Very cute.

We ran downstairs to open all these "hundreds" of presents. Andrew was very patient waiting for the adults to wake up and get their coffee. Probably because I let him eat a cookie for breakfast. He hasn't had many cookies...see the lack of dinner eating mentioned above. But it was Christmas...so of course he got to have some today. (actually, all he's eaten today are cookies, candy, and some sausage from the breakfast souffle. Literally. All he ate. All day.) We started opening gifts, and Andrew was totally excited. He wanted to "help" everyone else open their gifts as well...and he would act all excited as he ripped the paper, but as soon as he saw it was pans or clothes or travel gear he would turn away with disdain and a bit of relief. At least his gifts weren't THAT lame. Lily had a blast opening her gifts...when Andrew let her. She liked all his toys because they were noisy and dangerous for her. He liked all her gifts because he's strange and loves baby toys. At least they were both happy.

After gifts we just kind of lazed around. Andrew never got dressed. We played lots of games and ate lots of junk. About 10 times throughout the day Andrew came up to me and gave me a hug and said, "This is a great Christmas." Melt melt melt.

I hope all of you had an equally enjoyable Christmas!

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