Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The end of romance

We knew it was coming. Your kids can't stay oblivious babies forever.

At 6:00 this morning I jumped in the shower with Jeff. Andrew isn't allowed to come out of his room until 6:30, so we were totally safe.

Of course, no rule is set in stone, and since Andrew apparently only listens to his grandparents in regards to staying in his room, about 6:15 Andrew walked into our bathroom and starts talking to Jeff through the shower door. (My body says it has all the energy it needs and I can get up). Jeff hopped out of the shower and Andrew was confused why Mommy was in there too. Jeff told him that Daddy was taking too long in the shower and Mommy was kicking him out. Luckily, Jeff has quite the reputation for LOOOOOOOOONG showers, so this was completely reasonable to my 4-year-old's brain.

I guess we'll have to wait until the kids are out of the house from now on. Now I'm just waiting for the Mommy-Daddy shower to enter a conversation with the mailman, random grocery store customer, or playgroup mom. -sigh-


Joanne said...

I'm sorry, but this post totally made me laugh! Sorry you got caught! However, I'm not letting Kevin read this, or he will be expecting me to jump in the shower with him some morning. That's not the bad part...the being up and in the shower at 6:00 is the bad part! ;-)

HawleyFamily said...

I am impressed that you willingly jumped in at 38 weeks pregnant! Jeff is a lucky guy! Poor Adam was out of the picture at about 30 weeks with Ashley! hahaha!

Anonymous said...