Saturday, May 05, 2007

Hello? Where is everybody?

It is QUIET.

Andrew and Jeff drove to Warren, OH for a wedding this morning, leaving Lily and I behind for a girl's weekend.

And it is QUIET.

I forget how much Andrew talks until he is gone. I haven't had to answer a single "Why" today.

Funny, when I had just Andrew, and Jeff would go out of town, I'd have my mother fly in and help me out. Now that I have 2 kids, having just Lily feels like a vacation. Seriously...having one kid is frickin' easy! We had a delightful "girl's day"...I was able to cater all of my outings to one child's schedule...there was no waiting for one to wake up, only to have to cajole the other to get in the car, etc etc. Frickin' piece of cake.

So now I want to thank all the parents of two or more for not laughing at me or belittling me when I complained while having just the one child. It is hard to have just one child...because you don't know what it's like to have two. Just as I'm sure that those parents of 3 children are saying, "Dude, if I just had two kids it would be like living on easy street."

Anyhoo...Lily and I had a delightful day. She woke up at 5:30...God only knows why...and we played in our pajamas and ate a leisurely breakfast. She napped. I finally put up the wallpaper border in the kids' bathroom. Lily woke up. We went out to lunch and shopping. Came home and Lily napped (it's amazing how well this kid naps when I cater to HER schedule instead of trying to make her fit into Andrew's). I cleaned the toy room and kitchen and then played a computer game. Lily woke up and we went to an AMAZING state park and walked for an hour. Just walked...Lily staying in the stroller the whole time and never once whined. Came home and ate dinner and now she is happily playing on the floor beside me while I type.

Oh wait...she's having the 6:30 meltdown. Gotta go! But just think...when she's in bed, I'm all done for the night! Yippee!


CARRIE said...

Ok, now posts like this one scare the beJeezes out of me. I'm not ready to get off easy street. What was I thinking by getting pregnant? Damn DNA and evolutionary drive to reproduce. I'll have to go back and read your post about 1+1=content.

Kelsey said...

I'm glad you are having such a fun girls' weekend. Although I am a little concerned about what is to come for us if I ever look back thinking how easy this time with just Harper was. If we have another one I won't be in graduate school, that might help!

Just think, we she's older you can add dinner and a movie to your girls' weekend agenda!

Erin said...

Now you've gone and made me nervous. I finally feel like I've got this one kid thing down pat. Even when Brett is gone (which is like 50% of the time), no problem. But other one is going to seriously screw up everything I know.

Kate said...

I honestly think some kids are a two-in-one deal. Easy is relative. *smile*