Monday, February 16, 2009

Signs of a bad housewife

Today I got some crafts to do with the kids. I KNOW! Me! Crafts! For Andrew I got these bead thingies that you melt together. Remember these?

So I explain to him that you make the design you want with beads on the peg board thingy. Then Mommy would melt them with an iron and we'd have cool little plastic design thingies. Or whatever. He accepts this without a word and begins his first indistinguishable letter "a" for Andrew.

I go down in the basement and hunt down the iron. Actually, I knew right where it was...on the shelves near the washer and dryer. And I must have wrapped it up well when I quit working 5 years ago, because the cord was still neatly wrapped around it. And that's after 2 moves!

I bring up the iron, and Andrew looks up and says, "Oh! That's an iron!"

Then I plug it in to warm it up. Andrew puts his hands over his ears (like he does for the blender) and says, "Is it really loud?"



Anonymous said...

That's my girl! Actually I love to iron. What happened to my daughters?

Andrea said...

Hilarious!! I love Andrew not having a clue how an iron works! Although I do remember taking out your iron the night before my interview last year (when I was 'hemming' my pants). And mom-- I'm not sure what happened to us!

Kelsey said...

That's like the other day when Harper told Matt our broom belonged to Nana because she's the only one who uses it (not true!).