Thursday, August 16, 2012

Almost every day in August?

Ha ha...heh...ha...

So blogging every day isn't realistic.  :)

This week has been a flurry of activity and zombie-like brain-numbing boredom.  Fluctuating between the two, I mean.

All of sudden, after getting teacher assignments last week, I realized that we are running out of time.  My list of things I want to do with the kids is long and unaccomplished.  I still want to do the Franklin Institute, the Tyler Arboretum tree houses, Smith's play place, put-put golfing...-sigh-  There are playdates I've been meaning to make and somehow time got away from me.

So Monday we went to the castle park and then to the pool all afternoon.  Pleasantly busy.

Tuesday, I had 9 children running around my house for a playdate.  One of Lily's friends from pre-school is going to a private kindergarten with one of Lily's friends from dance...and they don't know each other!  So it was a kind of match-making playdate for the moms and the girls.  That entailed frantic cleaning in the beforehand (baby!  newly walking!  choking hazards!  PANIC!) and less frantic clean up after.  Then a trip to the lawyer to pick up finalized papers for our wills and a trip to the gym to lift weights.  Boring.

Wednesday, we went to the grocery and Andrew and Lily got in trouble.  They were acting like untrained monkeys.  Lordy.  We came home and twiddled our thumbs and did homework and drove each other crazy until swim testing came at 5:30.  Boring boring day.

Today is GORGEOUS.  We went to a park for a few hours, and then to the library for another hour.  We are eating lunch and then will spend the rest of the afternoon outdoors...until Jeff comes home and we go to the Grange Fair.  Where we will wander through 4-H projects and admire lots of animals and ride crazy rides and eat delicious food.

Sunday, I am driving half-way to Ohio and handing my children over to my in-laws.  Yes, they are wonderful.  Yes, you should be jealous.  Then I will have 4...count them FOUR...days alone in my house.  Then Jeff and I go to Vegas with college friends.  Huzzah!  Good times coming!

See how boring this post is?  This is why I should NOT blog every day in August.  Maybe almost every day is just perfect.

1 comment:

bluedaisy said...

Oh but I am excited for your trip!! And time to yourself before the frantic pace of starting up the school year. Awesome and I am SO jealous but also very happy for you :)