Lily is on the move! Technically, she's been rolling all over the place for a month or so, and she's been scooting backwards for a couple of weeks. But she now has forward motion.
As usual, she is doing it her own way. This child will not do things her brother's way. You should see her crawl. It has been a process. She first started scooting backwards. Then she would scoot backwards and roll towards something. If the direction wasn't quite right, she's swivel herself around and try rolling again. She would eventually hit the mark, but it took a while. Today she is pushing forward with her two legs and pulling with her right arm. Her left arm and face drag on the floor. It looks like a scene out of a war movie. Like Lily was shot in the left shoulder and is dragging herself to the safe zone. But it is effective. She gets where she wants to.
Also this weekend? We found her sitting up in her crib. Who knew she could get from lying to sitting! Also starting to look in up on the fireplace, up on chairs, up up up! And she is trying to figure out how to get stuff down from there.
Babyproofing, here we come! Go Lily Go!
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