Tuesday, July 17, 2007

If I have to watch one more race...

When I envisioned having kids, I thought of crafts, cooking, science experiments, pretend play.

My life is reduced to playing sports and watching car races. Or spaceship races. Or caterpillar races.

Dear Lord. My child does not want to leave the house. He does not want to bake cookies. He does not want to color. He does not want to paint. He gets frustrated by games. He gets frustrated by physical challenges. He gets frustrated by writing/drawing/painting.

He loves to race.

All day long, all I hear is, "Mom, do you want to watch a race?" This sounds all well and good at first. I get to sit and watch him race blocks, cars, dust bunnies, you name it. But DEAR LORD. After 6 hours straight, I feel like I'm going insane. There is always a long description of each racer before the race can begin. And you must listen intently to this description or else he'll start all over again.

"Mom, you wanna watch a race? Okay, this black car is Jack Johnson McDogglogger. He is faster than Chick Hicks, McQueen, or Doc. He is an Escape. He is on a secret mission to take dogloggers from pirates. He's a really good fighter. Do you think he looks cool? Do you like him?" And on through the other 9 racers. Finally you get to the actual race. Andrew flies around the house holding each one. "Who do you want to win?" You pick one, and then you are expected to react when your car wins/loses. As if you can remember which of the 9 you picked. If your response is inappropriate, the race needs to start again...complete with descriptions.

This is why my child watches too much tv.


Kate said...

If I stayed home with Colin--TV would TOTALLY win out. I'd stay up late just to have a rest in the afternoon. As it is... I want him to cut down his nap at school. How selfish is that? If he's gonna sleep, I want it to be on MY clock.

Erin said...

Maybe you should try a "backwards race," where you see who can go longest without racing. And the winner gets to go buy a fish ;-)

Unknown said...

I like Erin's suggestion, but I think you might have to bribe him with another racecar of some kind, or this will never fly. Perhaps he can learn to train and race fish. . . this has potential as a career path.

Got your link from Bill and Annie, I'll keep reading now.

Chris Boone

BOONES said...

We have a little on now too. Here is the link.
