Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Home ownership

Ah, the delights of home ownership! When you make your first purchase, it is so satisfying! Finally, and investment you can enjoy! Debt larger than you can imagine, and yet it is a roof over your head, something to decorate and fill with your treasures, your own domain!

I'm over it. (are you all now singing the annoying Idol's song?)

I know that there are millions of people who would sell their right arm for the privilege of home ownership. I realize how lucky I am to have my own home. And I am very blessed. In theory.

But I'm over it.

I miss the landscaping crew that used to prune the lawns and gardens so that I could enjoy them with no work weekends wasted. I miss the excuse as to why my walls are white and bare (not allowed to paint, not allowed to put nail holes in). I really really miss the maintenance man. Light out? No need to look through your 50 light bulbs in storage only to realize you don't have the correct type on hand. AC not working? No need to swelter as you wait 3 weeks for someone to come to your house. Toilet leaking? No need to frantically read a plumbing do-it-yourself manual. I miss him. I wish home ownership came with the option of a full time handyman. We have an extra bedroom. He could live there. I'd treat him well, I swear.

-sigh- Our master shower is leaking into the first floor. We think. All we can see is a wet spot spreading on our ceiling. My live-in handyman wants to fix it himself, even though he doesn't know how. My live-in handyman thinks we can keep taking showers despite this looming issue. We can't shower in the spare bathroom because the sound of the water is like a jet-liner landing in Lily's room. Another maintenance issue that has been unresolved.

-sigh- We don't have many conflicts in our marriage, but this is one of them. Jeff comes from a family where the father fixes things. End of story. I come from a family where the father is not allowed to own a hammer, much less fix the plumbing, so we hire everything out. End of story. Our marriage is a lovely mix of these two. We don't hire anyone and nothing gets fixed. On the positive...we may have a quicker way to get from the master bedroom into the front hall soon...trap door anyone?


CARRIE said...

Oh I feel your home ownership pain. We too have a new and unexplained spot on our living room ceiling, but there is nothing above it (like a bathroom) and no gaping hole in the shingles, which leaves us to conclude that it could be from the heavy rains we had and maybe some got in under some flashing around our passive radon pump. We've been in this home 6 years and this year alone our dryer has died, our dishwasher is on its way out, and we now have this spot. It is always something.

Erin said...

Giselle, that SUCKS. Yes, I hear you on the joys of homeownership. I say call a plumber and quick. At least get some free estimates and then you can have something concrete to base your hire-it-out argument on. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Wait, do you live in my house?? My master shower leaked into my family room, so now we have to take showers in the spare bathroom. That shower is so loud that people outside can hear it!!