Monday, December 22, 2008

Big day for Michael!

Today was a big day for "firsts" for Michael. I was getting out of the shower this morning (at 6:03am), and I heard Michael's mobile turn on. I was all ready to get mad at Andrew for turning it on, but then it turned off again. And then on again for a long time. And Michael could be heard happily talking by himself. I snuck in there and found him watching his mobile happily. He had rolled onto his tummy, lifted himself up, and managed to push the button to turn it on. Big boy!

Then after breakfast, I put him on the kitchen floor to play with some toys. He streeeeeeeeetched and grabbed the bottom of his exersaucer and dragged it towards himself. I called my MIL to finalize Christmas plans. I look up...and Michael is STANDING at the exersaucer!!! Big boy. Not a smart boy, since he was in fleecy-footed pjs on slick floors...but still...

And finally, at pre-dinner Yo-baby time (Lily just can't make it to dinner time), Michael was his usual 5:00 fussy self. So as I'm spooning yogurt into Lily's mouth (it is too messy for little Miss Priss, so I have to do it) I am bouncing the baby on my knee and trying to keep him from upsetting the yogurt or whacking his head on the table. I grabbed some puffs that have been around for about a week. Michael has been completely clueless as far as finger food goes, so I kind of set them aside after trying last week. I gave him a few, and after a couple of tries, he just starts picking the up and putting them in his mouth. Cool new trick!

And the best part of these 3 "big events" ? How excited the older two kids got. I know they are just mimicking me (especially Lily), but it is still sweet. Lily was shouting with glee every time Michael would pick up a puff, and Andrew was cheering for him as he at it. It seems funny to me now that I was worried about having Mikey. I thought that because he was so close in age to Lily, I would be overwhelmed, and the kids would be deprived of the attention they deserved from me. But now I think that if I HADN'T had Mike...I would have deprived them from this little person that they love and adore. They don't get as much of me as they would have...but instead they get to enjoy and love this guy. What a fabulous turn of events!

1 comment:

bluedaisy said...

I love this post-- all these accomplishments...such an awesome little guy :) And I am so happy you said the last part about life with 3 kids. Makes me want to think about baby #3 for us...