Saturday, February 14, 2009

Not so hostile takeover...or...How did this happen to my house?

Somewhere...somehow...Sesame Street characters have taken over my house.

It started innocently enough. Andrew loved Elmo. Of course he didn't even watch tv until he was over a year old, and even then Elmo's world was the only thing he ever saw (oh, how the first child's life experience is different than the second and third...) So we collected some Elmo things. He even slept with Elmo in his bed for a while.

Andrew liked Elmo enough for my parents to get his this shirt in Hawaii. Circa 2005.
We owned a little Elmo chair that Andrew liked to sit in and read books. Circa 2005.

There's the ever present Elmo our house in CA!
But Lily grew up in this house. From the youngest of ages she has watched Sesame Street, she has been exposed to the dolls...and so she has become obsessed. Michael has been dragged along for the ride ALREADY, because Lily gets such a kick out of him liking the Sesame street. I decided to photo document some of the Sesame Street paraphanalia in our house...
Andrew would like me to acknowledge that he no longer likes Elmo. He hangs out with Shadow...who also does not like Elmo.
Instead of watching Elmo, Andrew puts puffy stickers on his face which dye his face pink. I think Elmo might be a better habit...

Lily showing off her Elmo and Ernie bath toys. She also has other characters...but she refused to show them in the photo.

We are not just Elmo people anymore. Cookie and other characters also regularly make an appearance.

Michael seems happy enough with it. At least this bib is from University of Dayton. Slightly redeeming.

Lily and her bedtime friends. She like to play duck duck goose with them when alone in her room. Very cute to witness. Night night had to get in the photo as well. Not on Sesame Street. Still cool to Lily.

Although I am a Luvs fan, in an attempt to not mix up diapers in this house, Lily is now a Pampers Baby Dry girl. Which suits her just fine, because guess what characters are on them. You guessed it...

Okay, every mealtime it is like the Sesame store vomited all over Lily. Bib, fork, plate, place mat. All that's missing are her Elmo/Cookie/Oscar hair ties. I didn't manage to get those in a shot. Or her Elmo disposable sippy cups. I should have gotten that in the shot as well. There just too much to keep track of.

Lily is displaying her breakfast bar for you...but notice the couch. Her sacred couch that Mikey loves to climb all over now. Much to her distress and despite her screaming "Mooooooom! Mikey!!!!" Maybe she shouldn't be making him love Sesame so much...


Joanne said...

Replace Sesame Street with Disney and you have our house. I long for the day when we are character free!

Kate said...

Oh-- and of ALL places to live in the whole U.S. of A-- you love only a few miles from Sesame Place, the Sesame Street Themes Park. How lucky is that?!

Anonymous said...

You're not alone. We didn't have anyone to teach Katie about Elmo and Cookie. I think that there is an evil spirit that automatically enters your house and makes your children gravitate toward them. We are overridden with them and Katie loves to point them out multiple times a day on her diapers!