Friday, January 08, 2010


I just may kill them today.

Just maybe today will be the day. I actually yanked Andrew off of Lily and kind of threw him just now.

But seriously? How long can one person reasonably listen to the screaming? How long can one person reasonably watch the whining and wrestling and screaming? How many times can one person reasonably ask/yell/scream/ask/scream some more to PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP WRESTLING? STOP WHINING AND SCREAMING, YOU KNOW THAT HE WILL HURT YOU IF YOU ATTACK HIM.

I have tried pretend play today...Lily whines and pushes and Andrew slams her into the ground. No matter what we try to play. Neighbor? Ends in wrestling. Spy? Ends in Andrew tripping Lily to the ground. Grocery? Ends in Michael and Lily wrestling for the cash register.

I have tried crafts....snowflakes today. Ends in Lily throwing scissors. Ends in Michael sticking crayons up his nose. Ends in Andrew crumpling his paper in frustration as his siblings insist on coloring on his snowflakes.

I have tried tv. Too scary (VeggieTales?).

I have tried ignoring it. But the God, the screaming.

But the good news is, it is 10:30. So just 2 hours until Andrew has to go to the stop. G.D. Afternoon Kindergarten. And winter is awesome too...I was supposed to have playgroup here this morning, but everyone is sick and school is delayed because of the 3 centimeters of snow on the ground.

Excuse me, I have to go scream now...


d e v a n said...

Oh dear. Hang in there! Tell your husband to bring home wine or vodka or something.

Mary O said...

I hear ya, sister. I have so been there!

Kate said...

But seriously? How long can one person reasonably listen to the screaming? How long can one person reasonably watch the whining and wrestling and screaming? How many times can one person reasonably ask/yell/scream/ask/scream some more"

Oh my Gosh-- this is EXACTLY what I was asking at work yesterday with the 12-15 school-age kids I have to "babysit" after school every DAMN day.

I finally lost it and told them they'd better behave because I was calling their parents today. And when they said their parents wouldn't come get them, I actually told them I could give them a ride home in the police car and let them have a talk with their parents. I actually said that. It's kinda like the cats that pee on our door. I'm not "really" mad at the cats. I'm mad at the owners. But I sure do want to take it out on the cats.

Mom said...

Jeff better watch out. You may take a one way ticket to California. Best he bring home both wine and vodka!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you lock yourself in the bathroom and call me?! I so wish I had a magic wand to wave and make them all behave. You know you're not alone. Yesterday while we were in the car waiting to pick K&B up, Bryn would not stop whining. She'd been doing it all morning and for 10 nonstop minutes in the car. I turned around and squeezed her leg so hard I was later afraid my fingernails had left marks. /sigh

Tomorrow is Saturday. Leave the kids with Jeff and escape to a bookstore or coffee shop for a couple hours with a good book.

Marie Green said...

Well, congrats, you just wrote a blog post summing up my past few days. You don't mind, do you, if I just copy and paste this?

Know what I did today? Brewed myself an fancy brand of coffee. I'm thinking that I need now is $1.99 to buy a pair of earplugs, and I'll be golden.

CARRIE said...

I had read this post when you first wrote but just revisited and read to D. God, you make me laugh, Giselle!!!