Sunday, January 31, 2010

Another one bites the dust...

And...Lily woke up at 2:30 puking her guts out. Which is actually easy, since she puts so little INTO her guts on a daily basis. The total volume of her stomach contents at any given time can be fit into a shot she's incapable of creating a huge mess (please don't make me eat my words...). But she's miserable, and cuddled under a blanket (it's now 5 am).

This does mean I'm going to have to cancel on my first week as a Shepherd at Sunday school. Usually, I'd just leave the sick-os behind with Jeff, but Jeff is fencing all day today. Soooo... Basically, they are never going to ask me to volunteer to do anything ever again. After watching me chase Michael around during the new member dinner and now with me cancelling due to sick babies...they should see I am pretty much worthless. Or at least unreliable. :)

I'm just waiting on eggshells to see when Andrew gets it. Or God forbid me. Blech. Although it will be a good reminder of why I don't ever want to be pregnant again.


d e v a n said...

ugh! Sorry!!!

Erin said...

Eeeek! THE WORST. I can't believe you're dealing with stomach flu ON TOP OF a killer toothache. NOT FAIR.

CARRIE said...

Oh, I hate stomach bugs. I always feel guilty when I jump backwards whenever N starts to upchuck. But it's puke for crying out loud!!!
Hope no one else gets it.

bluedaisy said...

When it rains, it pours? I hope that you get a reprieve very soon- you are truly overdue!

Kate said...

how's barf fest '010 going? Hope your tooth feels better tomorrow!!