I don't like to brag. Oh, who am I kidding, I LOVE to brag. My favorite topic? Andrew.
Bragging about your child is a delicate thing. There are certain people receptive to this bragging (grandparents) and others who should never hear it (other mothers). I know that other mothers read this blog, and I brag a lot. Or at least you think I do. I really try to hold myself back quite a bit.
But here I go. Andrew has really been amazing the last few weeks, so I'm going to BRAG about a few things. Not to be a braggart. But since I've been printing out my blog, I realize how much I enjoy reading these things later on. Which makes me a braggart. ;)
Like about the day after his Valentine's Day party at school. I doled out 5 conversation hearts to him as an after lunch snack. He's never had them before, and I certainly didn't read the hearts to him that time. He came up to me with a heart a few minutes later and said, "This one says 'Miss you'." And it did. I refuse to believe that he read the heart. It is impossible. But how do you explain it? Smarty pants.
We read the paper together in the mornings. Mostly the comics and the weather map (I said Andrew was smart...not me). Andrew has the map down cold. He's know several states for a while now (he can point out and name PA, KY, CA, OH, TX, SC, NH...all the states he's lived in or family members live in) and he definitely recognizes the United States on a world map. So he immediately looks at the weather map and finds PA, and then he tells me what the weather will be. See, he knows what the different colors mean, and the symbols for rain, snow, etc. So every morning I get a weather report for CA, KY, OH, and PA. Sometimes TX. Smarty pants.
He's getting really good at telling time too. He knows that the little hand tells the hour...although the big hand baffles him (can't quite count by 5s yet). He stays in his room for quiet time until the clock reads the time that I tell him (that one is a digital clock). Smarty pants.
Bragging about your child is a delicate thing. There are certain people receptive to this bragging (grandparents) and others who should never hear it (other mothers). I know that other mothers read this blog, and I brag a lot. Or at least you think I do. I really try to hold myself back quite a bit.
But here I go. Andrew has really been amazing the last few weeks, so I'm going to BRAG about a few things. Not to be a braggart. But since I've been printing out my blog, I realize how much I enjoy reading these things later on. Which makes me a braggart. ;)
Like about the day after his Valentine's Day party at school. I doled out 5 conversation hearts to him as an after lunch snack. He's never had them before, and I certainly didn't read the hearts to him that time. He came up to me with a heart a few minutes later and said, "This one says 'Miss you'." And it did. I refuse to believe that he read the heart. It is impossible. But how do you explain it? Smarty pants.
We read the paper together in the mornings. Mostly the comics and the weather map (I said Andrew was smart...not me). Andrew has the map down cold. He's know several states for a while now (he can point out and name PA, KY, CA, OH, TX, SC, NH...all the states he's lived in or family members live in) and he definitely recognizes the United States on a world map. So he immediately looks at the weather map and finds PA, and then he tells me what the weather will be. See, he knows what the different colors mean, and the symbols for rain, snow, etc. So every morning I get a weather report for CA, KY, OH, and PA. Sometimes TX. Smarty pants.
He's getting really good at telling time too. He knows that the little hand tells the hour...although the big hand baffles him (can't quite count by 5s yet). He stays in his room for quiet time until the clock reads the time that I tell him (that one is a digital clock). Smarty pants.
Okay, I'm done. For now. The only bad thing about living with a smarty pants is that I feel like I have to defend myself. I probably don't and it's just that I'm weird, but I feel the need to point out that I do not coach this child. We read a lot of books and do things like read the paper together and look at his US map placemat...but it is mostly done for my sanity. I have no flashcards. I did not listen to Mozart when pregnant. I feel like because Andrew is smart I have to prove that I am not psycho parent from hell making her child learn all this stuff.
And maybe some of you mommies are laughing out there because Andrew is totally in line with his age. One of the blessings of the oldest is you truly believe they are geniuses. At least until they go to school and you are faced with their peers. So let me live in my little fantasy. Not that I want him to be a genius. But that he is a smarty-pants. ;)