Sunday, February 04, 2007

Football hell

Ugh...Superbowl. Or, since I haven't paid to use that phrase, "The Big Game." We are having people over to distract me from the fact that football has been on all day. How can you have 6 hours of programming BEFORE the actual game begins? This was just on the TV a moment ago:

"Yes, folks, that's Peyton Manning arriving at the stadium. Those Booos you hear are from the Bears fans present."

Okay, first of all, the frickin' quarterback is just showing up. Why have I been subjected to 4 hours of football TV ALREADY when at this moment the quarterback...who is actually going to play in the game, decides he needs to be there? Secondly, what kind of moron can't figure out that it's the Bears fans Boooing?'s not like I'm there. I might be booing the moronic announcer. But if you are standing outside the Miami probably like football. And if you are probably aren't a Colts fan. But I understand this is the kind of stellar journalism you get when people are forced to fill a day's worth of programming before the actual 3 hour event. (did you notice that I know Manning plays for the Colts? Oh yea, I'm up to speed. Be impressed, people, be very impressed)

-sigh- Nothing irks me more than sports on TV incessantly. I don't mind one game. Actually, I kind of mind, but I understand that it is a past time, some people enjoy it, I put up with it. But this...this...hype.

And now I have no standing to ask Jeff to turn it off. Andrew is totally hooked on football. And hype is the best kind of football...just lots of clips of touchdowns. All action, no dead time. He's been watching all day. He's convinced the Giants are going to win. No amount of explaining who is actually playing can persuade Andrew that the Giants aren't going to win. That's what happens when there are two teams playing and neither of them wear red.

Heck, even Lily is addicted. Well, she actually just wants to watch TV in general. It has become her life goal to get ADD. She is seriously going to have neck problems because we turn her away from the TV and she STRAINS to watch it. She thinks she's an owl. It's actually the only way I get her to do tummy time. She's allowed to watch TV if she is working on her tummy.

-sigh- At least it's over tomorrow, right? Oh, wait. Andrew reminds me that then there's basketball and hockey to watch.



CARRIE said...

What is the SuperBowl???

Annie said...

Giselle, consider yourself lucky at least in the fact that your darling baby girl was not dressed to match mommy and daddy in their Bengals gear. Yes, I know the Bengals didn't play either, but they would have beaten the Giants...I also live under the constant threat of getting season tickets!

p.s. she IS wearing pink today to compensate!

Kelsey said...

At least you have a break before the next huge sporting event, like March Madness. I actually enjoy the sports, especially football, so I'm sorry to see the season end.

But Lost is back on TV soon, are you excited? That is something to cheer about.

Kate said...

I think it's Dad's fault that we hate football. It's that damn fantasy football. I think I wouldn't have minded ONE game a Sunday-- but with fantasy leagues every game is game. Its like sports porno or something.

Andrea said...

I too am thrilled that football is over, but then it's all hockey all the time... SIGH.
Ryan is a huge hockey fan like his daddy and Rachel, like Lily, will watch anything that is on TV...