Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Finding out.

After reading another blogger's stories about how she remembers each and every positive pregnancy test, I thought I'd write my own stories down. Just in case I forget them someday. If you are reading this and don't care to know about my adventures peeing on a stick, please tune in later this week for another stellar post about drippy noses or doctor's appointments.

So let's see...

Pregnancy #1: Little Miss Regular here thought she'd get pregnant right away and know the day she conceived that "it" had happened. After 6 months of no results, I began charting my temps, etc., to try and get more of a clue why I wasn't getting pregnant. After 2 months of charting, I saw the tell-tale signs that something was different. I had a job interview lined up that Wednesday, so I decided to take a test just in case I wasn't going to need that job after all. Got a big old positive. Climbed back into bed with Jeff and we just oooohhhhed and aaahhhhhed that we were pregnant. So excited. Had the interview...didn't take the job, because I was going to be a SAHM in 8 months. Miscarried 2 weeks later. Bummer about the job.

Pregnancy #2: After bleeding cleared from miscarriage, started charting again. 8 months later, in a move of sheer desperation, we did some weird things with a turkey baster, and again knew from the chart that something was up. But for the first month in ages, I had NO pregnancy symptoms. Jeff forbid me from taking a test too early, just in case I had an early miscarriage. So I snuck to the downstairs bathroom to take one...when it was positive I again climbed back into bed to share the news. Not quite as excited with the pregnancy test this time around...I was kind of waiting every second to start cramping and bleeding and lose the pregnancy. 8 months later...Andrew.

Pregnancy #3: 8 months after getting off BC, I was charting away, and still really frustrated that I couldn't just choose when to get pregnant, damnit! The stars (and EWCM) aligned on our date night in Cinci, and again, the chart gave me the answer before I took the test. Jeff was sure this was it, because again, it was the first month in months where I had NO pregnancy symptoms. I remember taking the test early one morning (again) and climbing back into bed with Jeff (again), and being so incredulous that it had worked out so romantically and perfectly and our kids were going to be perfectly spaced, etc etc. Very very excited. 8 months later...Lillian.

Pregnancy #4: After discovering that our magic number is 8 months, we were feeling pretty confident that pregnancy couldn't just sneak up on us. Rather than being on the mini-pill, we used some barrier methods after Lily was born. My periods were really irregular, so I was planning on going back on the patch. I kept forgetting to stop in and fill my prescription (we don't get any other prescription drugs, so it's not like I'd ever even been in the drug store for that). I was running late on my period, which irritated me, so I finally went on a Saturday and left the kids with Jeff. I was making myself crazy every month worrying that I was pregnant, even though I knew it was impossible, so I went ahead and picked up a pregnancy test to show my brain that it was negative and to stop thinking such crazy thoughts. I had no pregnancy symptoms...which should have tipped me off. Jeff had no idea I had even bought one. After the kiddos went to bed, I snuck upstairs and took it. Turned positive IMMEDIATELY. Shaking uncontrollably, I wobbled downstairs and told Jeff. Started crying hysterically. I don't know how Jeff even figured out what was going on. Not a joyous occasion. Stayed up all night crying. 8 months later...John Jacob Jingleheimer.

So that's it. I feel bad for #3 that the story is so different and so traumatic for me. But I promise I'm over it, and I'm really really excited to meet him. I promise. I'm not saying I won't shudder every August 4th for the next few years...but I'm really excited.


jen said...

aw, your latest was kind of sweet in its own way! Also for a moment I thought he was already born and that's what his real name was! (not that there'd be anything wrong with that haha)

CARRIE said...

Got a good laugh over #4. He is making his own mark on the world already.

Misty said...

Turkey Baster? Really?

Also, why so sad initially about #3? Not that it is really any of my business...

Giselle said...

Yea, I'm not really proud of the whole turkey baster thing...but after 18 months of "effort" (fun as it can be) with no pregnancy, I was getting creative. ;)

And I don't think the word "sad" is correct to describe our feelings when we found out about #3. "Scared" or "Terrified" or "Freaked out". I had a 9 month old baby at the time and I live hundreds of miles from any support system, so babies this close together just wasn't in our plan. It is now though!

Swistle said...

We had some rough moments after discovering my most recent pregnancy--but it kind of makes the baby himself better! Like, I look at him, and I think, "We didn't even think we WANTED you!" and my heart just SWELLS with love! Sappy and weird, BOTH!

Kate said...

I still remember taking Colin's prenancy test before I went to Heather's bachelorette party. It was negative, so I got totally messed up at the party. The next morning I was sitting on the toilet hung-over when I glanced at the trash can and saw a pus sign. Oops! How romantic is that? (But I was excited once I found out it was too early for the baby to have been blitzed by Bud because it wasn't attached to my uterus.)

Andrea said...

My stories are similar, of course we were in the midst of making wedding plans when I got the positive with Ryan but we were still excited!
I remember initially looking at G3's test and thinking "oh, it's negative - that's the control line" only it wasn't!
But here I sit, on what could be the eve of his birth, adn I just can't wait to meet him!!!