Saturday, January 26, 2008


I woke up around 1 am to the sound of my son screaming, "Moooooomy. Mom. Mom. Moooooooom!!!!" I bolt out of bed (it is very unusual for Andrew to wake up at all during the night). I don't remember that I'm pregnant, because in my dreams, I never am, otherwise I would never jump out of bed. I am frozen by a shooting pain in my hip/femur/whatever and screech a little in shock. Jeff throws his covers off. I recover and limp down the hall to Andrew's bedroom. The big emergency was he had no covers. Must be nice to have a servant at your beck and call to wake when you need the covers pulled up. I limp back to my bedroom and take a bathroom break. I gingerly climb back into bed, and Jeff pulls the covers back over himself. Phew! That exhausting bit of child rearing is over for the night.

Gee. Thanks, Jeff. I'm glad that you uncovered yourself in solidarity with me. Very supportive.

***Jeff has no recollection of this, of course. The man can sleep through an earthquake. Literally. We've tested it out in California.


Heather said...

Exactly the opposite of my house. I can sleep through anything and Duane is always the one who hears the boy calling out in the night. Makes me feel like a slacker mom.

Kate said...

Greg and I play chicken. I think we both hear him... and wait to see who breaks first. I DO try my best to get to him first because I can fall back asleep in about 2 seconds, but Greg takes longer to fall asleep.

Kelsey said...

If it is a really desperate type of cry, I usually answer the call. If it is more whining and less urgent sounding I will sometimes try to wait Matt out. He has less trouble falling back asleep than I do, especially since I've been pregnant.

I hear you on the pain of "jumping" out of bed. I have to remind myself not to make any sudden moves in the morning.

And I wouldn't take Jeff's solidarity uncovering too lightly. When I get out of bed to tend to Harper, Matt has usually taken all the covers and rolled to the very middle of the mattress before I get back. At least Jeff is (subconsciously) thinking of you!