Aren't my kids cute? You don't have to answer...I'll think what I think no matter the critics ;) One of the blessings of a believe your kid is the cutest out there. And the smartest. And the most clever.
THIS mother is getting mighty frustrated with her 3 year old, however. 3 years 2 months to be exact. Doesn't he look so grown up in the pictures? He speaks so well, he's so tall, he's got a great sense of empathy and humor...and he still poops in his pants. And pees. I had my children 3 years apart with the expectation that I would have only one child in diapers at a time. Uh, no dice. I am getting so FRUSTRATED...and all the books and the doctors tell me to just let it go. I know that logically, very few "normal" children aren't potty trained by the time they are 5. I also know that my son can hold his excrement, knows when he goes, etc. I know he KNOWS what he's supposed to do. Potty training books are written for 2 year olds. My child is coherent and logical, and he understands. He just doesn't want to.
So I try to not mention it. I try to do things the books suggest.
1)I put the diapers and wipes into a drawer and made Andrew get them for me each time. Theory: diaper changing=work, therefore child will want to go potty. Nope. Andrew is so proud of himself for helping me.
2) I let Andrew pick out cool underpants. Actually, we've done this 3 times. A year ago, he picked out Thomas. 6 months ago he picked out Matchbox cars. At Christmas, he received Cars movie underpants. So excited when they're in the package. Take them out? Andrew SCREAMS. He REFUSES to wear them. To even touch them.
3) Watch Daddy pee...he idolizes Daddy. Intended result: be like Daddy...pee in potty. Actual result: Daddy's cool...I want him to change my diaper instead of Mommy.
4) Make child dump his poops into the potty so he will start to get that poops go in the potty...also the grossness factor may make him want to skip the middle step and just put poops directly in, bypassing diaper altogether. Actual result: Complete and utter refusal. Crosses arms and flat out refuses to even look at that disgusting diaper. I can't blame him. That's why I"M so frustrated for God's sake!!!
5) Put underpants on and let child pee on themselves until they get the idea. Did you read #2? There is no putting underpants on this kid. So we've tried nothing on...he just pees on the floor/chair/whatever. Points at himself non-chalantly and says, "Mom, I peed." Naked this summer...pooped on the deck...could've cared less.
Feel free to offer suggestions. At this point, I really don't think ANYTHING will work. I don't want to do timeouts...that puts a negative connotation on potty. But does it matter? Doesn't he already feel negative about the potty? Oh, and yes, we have a little potty. He's too big for it now. Yes, we have special seats for the potty. Doesn't care. What else might you suggest? Candy bribes? Worked for a day...but my child doesn't like sweets enough for that to be a motivator.
As a little Post Scrip:
I realize that in about 10-15 years I will be remembering this first struggle with my son fondly. I understand that frustrations with your children grow as they grow...that potty training is a cinch compared to all adolescent issues. I acknowledge that. And I am still frustrated as hell. ;)
I have no suggestions. See how helpful I am? I can only tell you that I have a friend at work who's son is almost exactly Andrew's age and they have the same problem. The exact same problem. Does that make you feel any better?
Also, if Calum has a donald trump combover, then Lily has... um... MUPPET HAIR.
My aunt had three wild boys and to potty train them she let them shoot at cheerios or apple jacks, etc. in the toilet. Like little targets. Actually I think they make little paper targets that float on the water to teach little guys to hit the bowl. Since Andrew is so into sports, maybe you could set up some kind of scoring system. There's no research behind this, just an idea, if you're really grasping at straws. Good luck!
Here is my take on potty training: until a kid is ready (as in wants to do it without any prodding by anyone else), potty training is mostly "mommy training." The kid mostly learns "I am in CONTROL of my parent. I know how to push buttons."
I hate to say this (because I am so NOT good at taking my own advice), but let it go. Do something nice for yourself whenever you feel the urge to strangle him.
A friend of mine stuck a sock in her child's diaper so he would feel wet and uncomfortable-- same effect as going all over yourself in underpants.
And can I just say that I am dreading the potty battle. Oh wonderful twos. I'll take the tantrums.
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