Monday, March 05, 2007

Catch up

My mom is visiting, so I have been really bad about logging on and blogging. It makes me realize how therapeutic this blog is, because when I have someone to talk to, I don't feel the need to write ;)

So let's catch up!

Andrew has been doing GREAT with the potty training. I think he is only about a year behind now. Yea! He stayed dry in his underpants all morning yesterday...and peed in the public toilet at Jeff's fencing tournament!!! Holy crap!!! 2 weeks ago he wouldn't even put his toushy on our toilet!!! Today he ASKED me to go, and then peed a whole bunch...not just a little trickle. I'm so hopeful that we'll be there by pre-school time next fall (don't laugh...that's just a hope).

Lily is DRIVING ME CRAZY. She totally teased me by sleeping 11 hours a night last month. Now we're back to 6-7 hour stretches. Which is fine...I guess. But why give me 11 hours and then just take it away. That's just building resentment. She is also acting very frustrated while feeding...which makes me doubt my milk supply. I love breastfeeding, but there is an awful lot of faith involved. And having a petite baby who acts frustrated on the breast is really testing that faith. I'm not giving up yet! (I'm WAY too lazy to formula until the doctor tells me she isn't growing...sorry Lil!)

We went to downtown Philly last weekend. I've been dying to go, and the weather was nice enough to get out. Andrew and Lily were angels as we toured Independence Hall. I know I'm weird, but it gives me chills to think that George Washington, etc were all inside that very same building. I love all the history! I also saw the Rohm and Haas building...which is right across the street from Independence Hall. They should seriously be fined for having such an ugly building amongst all those beautiful historic sights. Ugly. Really ugly.

We watched Jeff fence yesterday. Mom, Andrew, Lily, and I toured New Hope for a while and then went right across the river to Jeff's fencing school. Andrew loved watching Jeff...and he had a crush on a red head that was fencing. He kept saying, "I didn't know girls could fence. She is pretty."

I hope my mom has been enjoying herself. She is probably just bored out of her mind. I don't realize how dull we are until someone else joins in the fun...or lack thereof. We are only fun and exciting when Jeff is home on the weekends...and to say we are fun and exciting then is really a stretch. Luckily, Lily gives her lots of gooey smiles and Andrew keeps her in stitches.

Andrew has been earning these little micro cars for peeing on the toilet. I bought these cars almost a year ago to try and entice him to go potty. The packaging is dusty and covered in some unidentified drips. Yikes. So I decided to just open them and give them out to him one by one as rewards. They last about 10 minutes and then they get lost. Andrew manages to lose objects as large as himself, so the idea that a toy the size of a thimble would last is ludicrous. He lost the first one just after he and Jeff had cleaned up the toy room. Andrew's response to losing his toy? "C'mon, Dad! Let's make a mess so we can find it!" We were laughing so hard. To which he said, "I am such trouble!"

Lily is woefully behind on her physical milestones. I didn't realize this, because I don't read any parenting books with her. Poor little second child. But at gym class, there is another 5 month old...and I was AMAZED at the skill level during tummy time. Pathetic. My child, I mean. That child was quite impressive. Lily...pathetic. Not that we expect any better. She is the spawn of Jeff and I, after all. Ain't no Olympians in this family! Heck, Andrew JUST learned how to hop...and he still won't jump off anything.

Okay...I think I've caught you up. Stayed tuned for a riveting post about Lily's hair. I's hard to wait.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Giselle, It's nice to have your funny voice back online. I would love to come see the historic sights in Philly, but I really think I'd like it better without Harper until she's older. I took her to a special exhibit at the Dayton Art Institute once because I had a free pass - it was a horrible idea. You are really brave with getting your kids out into the world, me, not so much (unless Target counts).

And, despite the fact that Matt wants her to be a basketball star, Harper might have just jumped (getting both feet off the ground) for the first time. We're not big on physical milestones around here. But she knows what a trapezoid is!

Oh, I love the family photo. Your short hair is really cute!