Sunday, March 18, 2007


Andrew FINALLY earned his fish. I swear, his chart has been almost full for weeks. He just won't try new foods. He could give a crap about his reward...he would rather stay a picky eater. But I couldn't just chuck this chart, right? Follow through and all that parenting garbage? File this under "Failed parenting strategies".

So FINALLY, he tried some corned beef on Saturday night. Amen, Hallelujah. Let's just clear off that G.D. chart already. Sure, meat isn't much of a "new food" for Andrew. But it's better than his last suggestion (when he tried pineapple Jello for the first time...he's had Jello...just not pineapple...smarty pants).

So we made a big deal about getting this stupid fish. Andrew was PSYCHED. We thought of a name for this little fish (Nemo...aren't we creative. I voted for Herman, but Nemo won out). We get all dressed and showered and out the door. Okay, so Jeff and I showered. Poor Lily and Andrew get to parade around dirty. Their skin, people. They have dry skin. ;) We get to the pet store and Andrew is literally jumping up and down in the fish aisle. He picks out the fish he wants. A very easy to kill, hard to maintain fish. Of course. We persuade him to get a goldfish. Until we talk to someone who works there.

Have these people never worked with parents before? Aren't fish the traditional pet of kids? Shouldn't they be a bit seasoned? This pet-store-working-dude goes on and on about how goldfish get too big for small tanks, and recommends the $50 fish tank to go with some smaller, less orange (aka less Nemo-ish) fish. Huh? I'm going to spend $50 on the frickin' TANK for a fish my kid will forget about in a week? Seriously.

We ended up poring over the tanks and we selected a much smaller tank, a cool little statue for the fish to swim through, and some red rocks (what a surprise...Andrew picked red). We convinced Andrew to get these smaller, easier to care for fish. This one variety has spots on it's tail that looks like the Mickey Mouse head. Sold! To the cute, still-jumping boy in Aisle 9. With our arms filled to the brim with fish products, we wave down another employee. THIS employee (of the chick variety) says, "Oh, you should take that tank home and run it for a week before you put fish in it. I feel so bad. No fish today."

What? You were standing there 15 minutes ago when your colleague gave a dissertation on tank size. Couldn't one of you have mentioned THEN that my little boy would not be bringing home a fish...just an empty tank.

Long story a little bit shorter, we left sans fish. To Andrew's immense credit, he didn't even cry. He almost did, but he pulled it together (I love 3 year long 2's). We took him to McDonald's as compensation.

And now we have a fully functioning little fish tank...empty as can be. What to know something even sadder than this story? Andrew spent 10 minutes watching the empty tank.

Worse yet...the fish saga isn't over. We have to go BACK to the G.D. store next week. Arghhhhhh!


Annie said...

Oh Giselle, your little boy has a big heart. Prepare your speech now for when the fish kicks it!

Erin said...

THAT is the most ridiculous load of c-r-a-p I've ever heard. Don't they give away fish at school carnivals, etc. anymore? What IS that about the fish-welfare society working at the pet store. I tell you: those East Coast folks are all softies.

But good for Andrew, taking it all in stride. Maybe this will all lead to a world-renowned marine biologist down the road.

HawleyFamily said...

HAHAHA!!! Just wait till you go back next week and that exact same fish with the disney head on the tail is not in the tank...YIKES!! Kids...gotta love them! I agree, 3's are SO much better than 2's!!

What is with the fish people? I always just took a fish home and put it in some random vase. I never knew you had to wait to put the fish inside it! Must be why my fish always bit the dust rather quickly! :)

BTW...You are such a great mommy!!!

Kelsey said...

Congratulations to Andrew! It sounds like you all handled yourselves well. Since you are talking about "running" the tank I'm guessing it has a filter? That's better than when we would argue with my mom about whose turn it was to clean the fish and they had to keep swimming around in their own filth. Harper "won" a carnival fish last Labor Day and wasn't aware, I frantically declined!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Amanda...I always just put our fish in any old thing! Poor Andrew...I agree that it would be heartbreaking to see him staring intently at the empty fish tank! What a trooper! Next week should be fun!

Anonymous said...

Giselle -
Not to be a dork - but can you please have your husband call/email me? We can't get ahold of him, and I think all the phone numbers we have are old.
Bill K.

Kate said...

You're planning to go back? This is when you go to WalMart and get the goldfish you originally wanted to purchase.

And what's up with the crazy fish people? The pet store down the street from us will give you a free bunny with the purchase of a cat. Huh?